EHEH 14-09-2014 MIL

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EHEH 14-09-2014 MIL

Post by Bennie »

Logged the following here around 09:00 on my way to KB:

80-0320 C130H 158AS
80-0322 C130H 158AS both parked on the West side
91-1237 C130H 165AS
(900)530 C26D u/m
(900)531 C26D u/m both parked inside the (open) hangar next to the parking garage.

+ C130s G-273, -781 & -988 and deaprting KDC10 T-264
A white VIP aircraft was also parked on the military apron, believed to have been Gulf IV V-11.
Scramble member, reader & contributor since 1984
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