Roma - Ciampino (Giovanni Battista Pastine)

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City Roma
Position 41°47'58"N 012°35'42"E
Runway(s) 15/33
Elevation 426 ft


Ciampino in the southeastern outskirts of Rome is an interesting but rather difficult airport for spotters. The Italian military VIP fleet is based here including SH-3 helicopters for the Vatican. So are the firefighting CL-415s of SOREM flying for the Protezione Civile and helos of the Vigili del Fuoco. Regular civil movements include a number of European airlines plus quite a lot of bizjets. UPS and DHL also have services here and the airport is popular with low cost carriers trying to avoid the more crowded and expensive major fields.

Security at Ciampino is very strict. As a passenger, even taking a snapshot from the aircraft stairs can get you into trouble. Generally, reading registrations can be done 'low profile' but photography is not encouraged at all though still possible with sharp timing. The hours between 12:00 and 15:00LT are usually very quiet in air traffic.


On the east side the airport is pushing into the old town centre of Ciampino and the northeastern part of the field houses a military apron. The new military area is on the opposite side of the runway and the other hangars and aprons are south of that, all along road SS7. The civil terminal is located centrally and directly accessible by road. Further south lie the general aviation, Protezione Civile and cargo aprons. Apart from the large buildings on the map most of the west side is filled with smaller buildings and trees. Immediately east of the single runway the old runway can still be seen but is out of use.

Getting There

The airport lies close to an exit of the Roman ring road (A90/E80, just visible in the upper left corner of the map) so access by car is easy. As would be expected there are various connections by public transport. The Aeroporti di Roma website provides information on these, see panel on the right.

Around the Airport

1Rental car park

In front of the terminal near the rental car parks the view on the largest apron is quite good. Many CL-415s are usually visible and the general aviation planes are at close range. The Corpo Forestale hangar in the corner may host something interesting too.

2Terminal building

When leaving as a passenger, spotting and photograpy can be done from inside the terminal after check-in, albeit through glass. The waiting area gives you an unobstructed view over the runway, taxiway and a large part of the aprons. As long as one behaves like an average passenger things will be OK.

Just outside the terminal, in the northern corner, two spots enable viewing the military ramps and even photograpy. A bit further towards the road stands the preserved Albatross, also on military grounds meaning it is not allowed - but still possible - to photograph it. Of all mentioned spots the terminal area is the least risky with regard to security/police having you move on or worse.

3Final 15

Runway 15 is the direction most used. Parking is possible at the petrol station on the Via di Ciampino. Walk the last part for a great view.

4Military aprons

From the road along the northern airfield corner one has a clear view of the AMI aprons and everything on it can be read off. Usually the ramp on the east side is empty except for one or two CL-215/CL-415s. Parking is not adviseable here, rather drive into town and walk back. Again a petrol station is suitable for parking. You are exposed here though, so please beware of attracting attention you do not want.


Several roads radiating from the Ciampino town centre end at the perimeter wall. Find the Via Francesca Baracca, this one leads to a gate giving a clear view on nearly all of the aprons to check the numbers. Photography is very difficult here due to the sun's position and the distance. Sometimes military patrols drive by so be cautious.

6Final 33

The southern perimeter again offers a great view on the aprons but caution is still needed, this area is patrolled too. Once more some walking will be necessary after finding a legal parking place in the village. Due to the runway use photography will normally be limited to departures from 15 here.

This is the kind of photos you can expect to make from spot 6. Obviously reading numbers should be possible as well there. (Bjorn van der Flier)

Carefully timed shot of a great Forestale S-64. The I-CFAI/CFS-102 was photographed from spot 1 by Per Theeuwes.


Clearance Delivery119.400
Tower120.500 / 122.100
Tower257.800 / 308.775
Roma Arr/Director119.200

Based Operators

Civil operators:
AeroitaliaCe500/501, Ce550
Compagnia Aeronautica ItalianaA109, Falcon 50, Falcon 900, P180
Corpo Forestale dello StatoAB412, NH500D, P180, S-64
Ente Nazionale Assistenza al VoloCe(S)550
Mistral AirBAe146, B737
Servizi AereiFalcon 900B, Falcon 2000
Skybridge AiropsBeech 200
UniflyCe500/501, Ce550
(Para)military operators:
93°Gr TSSH-3D/TS, Falcon 50, Falcon 900EX
306°Gr TSA319CJ, G-III
Vigili del FuocoA109E, AB206B, AB412, P180


MM51-035/15-8HU-16A, gate guard

More Info

Aeroporti di RomaOfficial website for Ciampino

Other Airfields

Bergamo - Orio al Serio  
Frosinone (Girolamo Moscardini)  
Milano - Linate
Milano - Malpensa
Piacenza-San Damiano  
Pratica di Mare  
Roma - Ciampino (Giovanni Battista Pastine)  
Treviso - Istrana
Varese - Venegono (Arturo Ferrarin)  

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