Iquique/Diego Aracena (SCDA)
Base Aérea Los Condores

RWY 18/36     POS 20°32'07"S 070°10'53"W     ELEV 156 ft

Fuerza Escuadrón Aircraft Type(s) Badge
Fuerza Aeronaval N°2
Destacamento Aeronaval
BO-05 (Bo105CBS)
P-111 (EMB111AN)
P68 Observer 2
The civilian part of the airfield is also known as Pdte. Carlos Ibanez del Campo.
Isla Dawson/Almirante Schroeders (SCDW)

RWY 04/22, 12/30     POS 53°36'38"S 070°28'14"W     ELEV 160 ft

Fuerza Escuadrón Aircraft Type(s) Badge
Fuerza Aeronaval N°2
Destacamento Aeronaval
various on detachment
The civilian part of the airfield is also known as Pdte. Carlos Ibanez del Campo.

Also now devoid of serials are the PC-7s that are still going strong.

Jan Swart

Punta Arenas/Pdte. Carlos Ibáñez del Campo (SCCI)
Base Aérea Chabunco

RWY 01/19, 07/25, 12/30     POS 53°00'10"S 070°51'17"W     ELEV 139 ft

Fuerza Escuadrón Aircraft Type(s) Badge
Fuerza Aeronaval N°2
Destacamento Aeronaval
BO-05 (Bo105CBS)
P-111 ACH (EMB111AN)
The civilian part of the airfield is also known as Pdte. Carlos Ibanez del Campo.

Newest acquisition is the H125, used mainly for Search and Rescue with HU-1.

Carlos P. Valle C.

Viña del Mar (SCVM)
Base Aeronaval Concón

RWY 05/23     POS 32°56'59"S 071°28'43"W     ELEV 461 ft

Fuerza Escuadrón Aircraft Type(s) Badge
Fuerza Aeronaval N°1
Escuadrón Embarcado
HH-32 (AS332B)
SH-32 (AS532SC)
HH-65 (AS365N)

Escuela de Aviación Naval

Escuadrón de Helicópteros de Ataque
HH-32 (AS332B)
SH-32 (AS532SC)
HH-65 (AS365N)

Escuadrón de Helicópteros de Propósitos Generales
HH-50 (H125M)
UH-57B (Bell 206B)
BO-05 (Bo105CBS)

Escuadrón de Propósitos Generales
P68 Observer 2

Escuadrón de Exploración Aeromarítima
C-295 ACH
P-111 (EMB111AN)

Escuadrón de Instrucción
PC-7 (on loan from EAN)

Escuadrón de Ataque
PC-7 (on loan from EAN)

The AS332B and AS532SC Cougar are known as SH-32 in Chilean naval use. Seven were delivered to HA-1. The five survivors are painted in gloss petrol colours but lack serials...

Erwin van Dijkman

Blanco Encalada class M-Frigate (Ship)
Fuerza Ship Aircraft Type(s) Badge
Escuadra Nacional
FF-15 Blanco Encalada
HH-65 [1]

FF-18 Almirante Riveros
HH-65 [1]
Cochrane class Frigate (Ship)
Fuerza Ship Aircraft Type(s) Badge
Escuadra Nacional
FF-05 Almirante Cochrane
SH-32 [1]

FF-06 Almirante Condell
SH-32 [1]

FF-07 Almirante Lynch
SH-32 [1]
Foudre class Amphibious Assault Ship (Ship)
Fuerza Ship Aircraft Type(s) Badge
Comando Anfibio y de Transportes Navales
LSDH-91 Sargento Aldea
SH-32 [3]
and/or BO-05/HH-65
Oscar Viel Toro class Survey Ship (Ship)
Fuerza Ship Aircraft Type(s) Badge
Escuadra Nacional
AP-46 Contralmirante Oscar Viel Toro
BO-05 [2]

If they are not at Viña del Mar, you might encounter the UH-05, or B0105, on the arctic exploration ship Contralmirante Oscar Viel Toro.

Ian French

Williams class Frigate (Ship)
Fuerza Ship Aircraft Type(s) Badge
Escuadra Nacional
FF-19 Almirante Williams
SH-32 [1]

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