Colombian Kfirs serve with Escuadron de Combate 111 at Palanquero.

Bruce Smith

The Colombian Air Force was the first export customer of the Super Tucano. The aircraft have already proven their effectiveness whilst battling FARC and ELN guerrillas.

Wim Sonneveld

Apiay (SKAP)

RWY 11/29     POS 04°04'34"N 073°33'46"W     ELEV 1227 ft

Comando Aéreo de Combate No. 2
Grupo Escuadrón Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge
Grupo de Combate 21

Escuadrón de Combate 211 A-29B Super Tucano Grifos

Escuadrón de Combate 212 AT-27 Tucano Tucanos

Escuadrón de Combate Táctico 213 C212-300 Pelicano
Ce208 Grand Caravan
SA2-37B Vampiro

Escuadrón Defensa Aérea 214 SR-560 Horus Fenix

Escuadrón de Combate 217 Hermes 450
Hermes 900
Escuadrón 213 is the FAC's parent unit of the SA-2-37B and deploys its aircraft to other units, as does Escuadrón 214 with its SR-560s.

A handful Schweizer SA2-37Bs are operated for intelligence gathering. They are dubbed Vampiro by the FAC.

Santiago Rivas

Colombian Tucanos are used in the advanced training and attack roles and serve with various detachments.

Wim Sonneveld

Barranquilla (SKBQ)

RWY 04/22     POS 10°53'23"N 074°46'51"W     ELEV 98 ft

Comando Aéreo de Combate No. 3 "MG. Alberto Pauwels Rodríguez"
Grupo Escuadrón Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge
Grupo de Combate 31

Escuadrón de Combate 311 OA/A-37B Dragon (wfu) Dragones

Escuadrón de Combate 312 A-29B Super Tucano Drako

Escuadrón de Combate Táctico 313 Bell 212 Rapaz
C-95A Bandeirante
Ce208B Grand Caravan

Escuadrón Defensa Aérea 314 SR-560 Horus

Escuela Basica de de Aeronaves Remotamente Tripuladas Scan Eagle UAV

Like many air forces in Latin America, the air force operates the effective Cessna OA-37B Dragonfly, a type well suited for counter insurgency and counter narcotics. It is now in the twilight of a long career with the FAC.

Wim Sonneveld

The Bell 212 Rapaz is a very versatile platform as can be seen here....

Santiago Rivas

Calí (SKGB)

RWY 06/24     POS 03°27'32"N 076°29'48"W     ELEV 3165 ft

Escuela Militar de Aviacion
Grupo Escuadrón Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge
Grupo de Instruccion y Entrenamiento de Vuelo

Escuadrón Primario 111 Cessna 172S

Escuadrón Primario T-90 T-90C Calima
Stemme S10VT
SZD-54-2 Perkoz

Grupo de Combate 71

Escuadrón de Combate Táctico 713 A-29B Super Tucano
AC-47T Fantasma
AH-60L Arpía IV
Bell 212 Rapaz
Ce208 Grand Caravan
C212-300 Pelicano

CACOM 7 is the parent unit of Grupo de Combate 71. Escuadrón de Combate Táctico 713 borrows most of its aircraft from parent CACOMs. It is unclear to which squadron (if any) the gliders belong.

The new basic trainer of the Colombian air force is the T-90 Calima, a locally built upgraded version of the Lancair Legacy FG. It entered service with EMAVI in late 2010.

Javier Franco "Topper"

Medical evacuation capabilities have seen a boost with the delivery of a number of Beech 350s in recent years.

Larry Every

El Dorado, Bogotà (SKBO)

RWY 14L/32R, 14R/32L     POS 04°42'06"N 074°08'49"W     ELEV 8358 ft

Comando Aéreo de Transporte Militar "BG. Camilo Daza Álvarez"
Grupo Escuadrón Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge
Grupo de Transporte Aéreo 81

Escuadrón de Transporte 811 Beech C90GTx
Beech 350i
C-130 Hercules
Ce208B Grand Caravan
KC-767 Jupiter
Grupo de Vuelos Especiales 82

Escuadrón de Transporte Especial 821 AW139
Bell 412
Grupo de Inteligencia Aérea 83

Escuadrón de Inteligencia Aérea 831 Beech 300 ELINT
Beech 350 ELINT

Servicio de Aéronavigacion a Territorios Nacionales


La linea aerea que integra a Colombia

One of the latest additions to the VIP-fleet is this ERJ135 business jet.

Wim Sonneveld

Global reach is provided by this mighty KC-767 tanker, allowing the FAC to participate in multinational exercises recently.

Wim Sonneveld

Leticia (SKLT)

RWY 03/21 6168 ft     POS 04°11'37"S 069°56'35"W     ELEV 277 ft

Grupo Aéreo del Amazonas
Escuadrón Escuadrón Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge
Escuadrón de Combate 401

C212-300 Pelicano
Ce208B Grand Caravan
At any time, various aircraft from other units are detached here.
Madrid (SKMA)

RWY 06/24     POS 04°43'40"N 074°16'31"W     ELEV 8325 ft

Comando Aéreo de Mantenimiento "MY. Justino Mariño Cuesto"
Grupo Escuadrón Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge
Grupo de Transporte Aéreo 91

Escuadrón de Transporte 911 C212-300 Pelicano
Marandua (SKUA)

RWY 03/21, 07/25     POS 05°31'31"N 068°40'43"W     ELEV 332 ft

Grupo Aéreo del Oriente
Escuadrón Escuadrón Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge
Escuadron de Combate Táctico 201

Bell 212 Rapaz
UH-1H-II Super Huey
Scan Eagle UAV
Melgar (SKME)

RWY 05R/23L, 05L/23R     POS 04°12'54"N 074°38'09"W     ELEV 1699 ft

Comando Aéreo de Combate No. 4 "TC. Luis Francisco Pinto Parra"
Grupo Escuadrón Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge
Grupo de Combate 41

Escuadrón de Combate 411 Bell 212 Rapaz Rapaz

Escuadrón de Asalto Aéreo 412 Ce208B Grand Caravan
UH-1H-II Super Huey

Escuadrón de Ataque 413 H369HS Escorpion
MD500E Escorpion
Escuela de Helicópteros para las Fuerzas Armadas "Coronel Carlos Alberto Gutierres"

Escuadrón de Vuelo Bell 206B-3
Escuadrón 411 is the FAC's parent unit of the Bell 212 and deploys its helicopters to other units, as does Escuadrón 412 with its UH-1H-IIs. Flandes is in use as an OLF.

No less than sixty ex US Army TH-67A Creeks have been delivered to the joint forces helicopter school at Melgar.

Ian French

The Sikorksy UH-60 Black Hawk is operated as a gunship in large numbers by the Colombian armed forces. The gunships versions are known as Arpía. These examples belongs to CACOM 5.

Wim Sonneveld

Palanquero (SKPQ)

RWY 18/36     POS 05°29'01"N 074°39'27"W     ELEV 566 ft

Comando Aéreo de Combate No. 1
Grupo Escuadrón Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge
Grupo de Combate 11

Escuadrón de Combate 111 Kfir COA
Kfir COD


Escuadrón de Combate Táctico 113 AC-47T Fantasma
Ce208 Grand Caravan


Escuadrón Defensa Aérea 114 ECN-235 Phobos

Escuadrón de Combate 116 T-6C Texan II
Escuadrón 113 is the FAC's parent unit of the AC-47T and deploys its aircraft to other units. The T-37 will be replaced by the T-6C Texan II.
Rionegro (SKRG)

RWY 01/19     POS 06°09'52"N 075°25'23"W     ELEV 7028 ft

Comando Aéreo de Combate No. 5 "BG. Arturo Lema Posada"
Grupo Escuadrón Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge
Grupo de Combate 51

Escuadrón de Combate 511 AH-60L Arpía IV

Escuadrón de Combate 512 AH-60L Arpía IV

Escuadrón de Operaciones Especiales 513 Ce208 Grand Caravan
MH-60L Angel
UH-60L Halcon
Escuadrón 511 and 512 are the FAC's parent units of the AH-60L and deploys its helicopters to other units, as does Escuadrón 513 with its UH-60Ls.
San Andrés (SKSP)

RWY 06/24     POS 12°35'01"N 081°42'40"W     ELEV 19 ft

Grupo Aéreo del Caribe
Escuadrón Escuadrilla Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge
Escuadrón de Combate 101

Escuadrilla de Combate Táctico 1013 Beech C90

Two Beech C90 King Airs are operated by Grupo Aereo del Caribe from San Andres; they are used for patrol and liaison duties.

Wim Sonneveld

The reputation of the AC-47T Fantasma is spreading rapidly over Colombia's vast jungles. These immortal aircraft are in use as gunships.

Wim Sonneveld

Tres Esquinas (SKTQ)

RWY 06/24     POS 00°44'45"N 075°14'02"W     ELEV 585 ft

Comando Aéreo de Combate No. 6 "CT Ernesto Esguerra Cubides"
Grupo Escuadrón Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge
Grupo de Combate 61

Escuadrón de Combate 611 A-29B Super Tucano

Escuadrón de Combate Táctico 613 C212-300 Pelicano
Ce208 Grand Caravan
SA2-37B Vampiro
UH-1H-II Super Huey
Scan Eagle UAV
CACOM 6 borrows most of its aircraft from parent CACOMs.
Yopal (SKYP)

RWY 05/23     POS 05°19'09"N 072°23'02"W     ELEV 1028 ft

Grupo Aéreo del Casanare
Escuadrón Escuadrón Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge
Escuadrón de Combate 301

A-29B Super Tucano
AH-60L Arpía IV
Ce208B Grand Caravan
Scan Eagle UAV

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