The C295M superseded the venerable BAe748s.

Simon Grigor

Escuadrón de Combate 2312 operates the A-29B from Manta and Lago Agrio in the counter-insurgency role.

Simon Grigor

Base Aérea Eloy Alfaro, Manta (SEMT)

RWY 06/24     POS 00°56'46"S 080°40'44"W     ELEV 44 ft

Ala Escuadrón Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge
Ala de Transportes No.11
Escuadrón de Transporte 1112 C295M Pegasos
Ala de Combate No.23
Escuadrón de Combate 2313 A-29B Halcones
Esc1112 will most likely be renamed.
The traditions of Esc2313 were taken over from Esc2312 after the A-29B superseded the Strikemasters.
Base Aérea Lago Agrio (SENL)

RWY 05/23, HEL     POS 00°05'33"N 076°52'10"W     ELEV 982 ft

Ala Escuadrón Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge
Ala de Combate No.31
Escuadrón de Combate 2313 A-29B Halcones

The mainstay of the FAE helicopter fleet still is the Bell 206/TH-57.

Simon Grigor

FAE used the Dhruv for a couple of years but switched to the more reliable H145M.

Dietmar Fenners

Base Aérea Simon Bolivar, Guayaquil (SEGU)

RWY 03/21, HEL     POS 02°09'29"S 079°53'02"W     ELEV 15 ft

Ala Escuadrón Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge
Ala de Combate No.22
Escuadrón de Combate 2211 CeT206H

Escuadrón de Combate 2212 AW119Ke
Bell 206B-3
Base Aérea Taura, Taura (SETA)

RWY 02/20     POS 02°15'39"S 079°40'49"W     ELEV 34 ft

Ala Escuadrón Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge
Ala de Combate No.21
Escuadrón de Combate 2112 Cheetah B/C (wfu) Cobras

Escuadrón de Combate 2113 H145M Arpías
Escuadrón 2113, the former Kfir unit, was reactivated March 2022 to operate the H145M.

Ecuador obtained twelve Cheetahs from South Africa to replace the Mirages and Kfirs.

Simon Grigor

Most likely Ecuadorian aircraft to encounter is this VVIP ERJ135BJ FAE-051.

Simon Grigor

Base Aérea Ulpiano Paez, Salinas (SESA)

RWY 08/26, 13/31     POS 02°12'18"S 080°59'20"W     ELEV 13 ft

Ala Escuadrón Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge
Escuela Superior Militar de Aviación
'Cosme Renella'

Escuadrón de Entrenamiento Aéreo 2411 CeA150L
Latacunga (SELT)
Cotopaxi Intl

RWY 18/36     POS 00°54'25"S 078°36'57"W     ELEV 9191 ft

Ala Escuadrón Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge
Ala de Transportes No.11
Escuadrón de Transporte Pesado 1111 B727-134

Escuadrón de Transporte 1113 DHC-6-300 Twin Otter
Ala de Investigación y Desarrollo No.12
overhaul and modifications for Mirage and Kfir

Ecuador uses the Diamond 20 for basic flight training.

Simon Grigor

Eight G120TP were delivered in 2021/22 to replace the T-34.

Ian French

Quito/Mariscal Sucre Intl (SEQM)

RWY 18/36     POS 00°07'27"S 078°21'16"W     ELEV 7910 ft

Ala Escuadrón Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge
Ala de Transportes No.11
Escuadrón de Transporte 1114 ERJ135BJ
Falcon 7X

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