The ex-Russian, Belarussian and Iranian Air Force Su-25s are operating from Al-Asad and Baghdad al-Rasheed Air Force Bases. Since early 2019 they started sporting the original Iraqi Air Force roundel again.

Iraqi Air Force

One Beech 350 was delivered for liaison duties but the remaining six serve in the ISR (Intelligence Surveillance & Reconnaissance) role.


Al Asad (ORAA)

RWY 08/26 (dirt), 09L/27R, 09R/27L     POS 33°47'08"N 042°26'28"E     ELEV 618 ft

Wing Squadron Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge
Fighter Wing
109th Attack squadron Su-25K
Iraqi Su-25 Flight
Al Asad is mainly used by U.S. forces but it also houses IQAF's 109th squadron.

The Cessna 208B Caravan was delivered in several verstions. This is a TC-208B trainer version.

Iraqi Air Force

This is a AC208B, the assault version of the Cessna 208B Caravan. The version can be clearly distinguished: the hard points that can carry Maverick missiles and the Wescam FLIR camera give it away.


As Suwayrah AB (--)
Essawira (Essaouira), Al Swenia

RWY 12L/30R, 12R/30L     POS 32°56'17"N 044°37'58"E     ELEV 99 ft

Wing Squadron Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge
Iraqi Air Force College / Flying Training Wing
201st Training squadron LASTA 95N (20)

202nd Training squadron Ce172S (12)
Ce208B (3, TC-208)
Ce208B (2, AC-208)

203rd Training squadron T-6A (15) The Persuit of Excellence

204th Training squadron T-50IQ (24)

205th Training Squadron MFI-395 Super Mushshak (12) Where Phoenixes Are Born
Reportedly, 2nd Training Squadron was renamed 201sq in March 2011. Was this 202sq at some point? The LASTA 95N of this unit are stored at Imam Ali (PBUH) base and are not operational anymore; their role was reportedly taken over by the Super Mushshak.

Reportedly, 3rd Training Squadron was renamed 203sq. When did this take place? The unit moved from Talil/Imam Ali Base to Balad, when is unknown.

Reportedly, 4th Training Squadron was renamed 204sq in March 2011. Is this correct?

Following the Camp Speicher Massacre in June 2014, the AF College moved to Balad from Tikrit. Tikrit was known as Combat Operating Base (COB) Speicher by the U.S. Forces that were stationed there.

Subsequently, the Iraqi Air Force College moved to al-Suwayrah in October 2023. 202sq, 203sq and 205sq moved there from Balad. 201sq moved there from Tallil.

Since the contract was signed with Korean Aerospace Industries in 2014, al-Suwayrah (aka Shayka Mazhar Air Base) has been prepared to receive the KAI T-50IQ trainers and the rest of the AF College. By late October 2023, the first T-6A and T-50IQ aircraft of the Air Force College were reported here and on 28 October 2023 the Air Force College was officially re-established here. The T-6A and T-50IQ will move here from Balad and Muthanna.

The Air Force College is dubbed "Falcon Factory".
205th Training Squadron operated out of Balad (Martyr Brigadier General Ali Falih Al-Jawiya) Air Base. It's HQ moved to al-Suwayrah on 3 February 2025 (where the Iraqi Air Force College is located).

This C-130J visited Pardubice in Czechia to pick up spare parts for the Czech-made L159 trainer aircraft.

Vaclav Kudela

Six An-32B transport aircraft were delivered of which some were upgraded with bomb rails, enabling them to drop ordonnance.

Iraqi Air Force

Baghdad/Al Muthanna (ORBW)
Mohammed Alaa AB

RWY 15L/33R, 15R/33L     POS 33°15'45"N 044°14'04"E     ELEV 114 ft

Wing Squadron Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge
Transport Wing
23rd Tactical Airlift squadron C-130E (3)
C-130J-30 (6)

33rd Transport squadron An-32B (6)

87th Surveillance squadron Beech 350 (1)
Beech 350ER/ISR (6)
In God we trust, all others we monitor
Iraqi Air Force College / Flying Training Wing
204th Training Squadron T-50IQ (24) Golden Eagle
87sq is also designated as the "87th Composite Squadron".

Initially the T-50s were bound to be stationed at Tikrit Al Sahra but in late 2017 that changed provisionally to Basrah/Al Shaibah. Eventually, they ended up (being stored until 2022) at Baghdad-Muthanna. During mid-2022 they gained IOC with the help of Korean Aerospace Industries assistance. 204sq is bound to be stationed as al-Suwayrah AB, south-east of Baghdad but that has not materialized by December 2024.

The T-50IQ fleet was initially delivered (and stored) at Mohammad Alaa AB (aka Baghdad/Al Muthanna) and due to financial and contractual issues, they remained in storage between 2018 and 2022. Since, they have been made airworthy again and are fulfilling their role as advanced trainer.

Iraqi Air Force

On 5 November 2015, the first two L-159A arrived at Balad from Aero Vodochody in the Czech Republic. In total ten L-159A single seaters and two L-159T1 trainers were ordered under a deal that was approved by the Czech government in March 2015.


Baghdad/Al Rasheed AB (--)
Al Salem AB (Baghdad Military; Al Rashid)

RWY 15/33     POS 33°16'44"N 044°29'39"E     ELEV 104 ft

Wing Squadron Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge
Fighter Wing
109th Attack squadron Det. Su-25
Iraqi Su-25 Flight
109th squadron has a detachment at Al Salam and during the height of the ISIS insurgency, it operated mainly from this air base.

From 29 June 2014, Iraq received ten ex-Russian AF Su-25 Ground Attack jets to counter the ISIL insurgency. A number of former Iran Revolutionary Guard Corps Air Force (IRGCAF) Su-25s were re-delivered to the Iraqi Air Force. Some former Belarussian Air Force Frogfoots were also delivered in the 2018/2019 timeframe.
Balad (ORBD)
Martyr Brig.Gen. Ali Falih Al-Jawiya AB

RWY 12/30, 14/32     POS 33°56'25"N 044°21'42"E     ELEV 161 ft

Wing Squadron Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge
Reconnaissance Wing
3rd Assault/Reconnaissance squadron Ce208B-ISR (3, RC-208)
Ce208B-ISR (2, AC-208)
Bravo (was Nimmers)
Fighter Wing
9th Fighter Squadron F-16C-52 (14)
F-16D-52 (4)
Black Panthers

11th Fighter Squadron F-16C-52 (14)
F-16D-52 (4)

115 Tactical squadron L-159A (10)
L-159T1 (2)
Dragons "Strike With a Sure Hand"
3sq operates Hellfire armed Cessna 208B Caravan aircraft, locally designated AC208 Caravan which are also Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) capable. The unit moved from Kirkuk to Balad in ~2011.

The Iraqi L-159 ALCA aircraft are fitted with the Turkish ASELSAN-produced ASELPOD targeting pod.

In April 2023 the first MFI-395 Super Mushshak arrived at Balad, equipping 205th Training sq.

Iraqi Air Force

The Iraqi Air Force ordered 36 F-16C/D Block 52 advanced front line fighter aircraft. Some remained in use by the USAF 152nd FS/162nd FW at Tucson (AZ) for training purposes. This example is flying through the famous Death Valley canyon called Jedi Transition during a training sortie in March 2018.

Peter Steehouwer/Airshow Action

Nasiriyah (ORTL)
Tallil/Imam Ali AB

RWY 12L/30R, 12R/30L     POS 30°56'09"N 046°05'25"E     ELEV 20 ft

Wing Squadron Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge
Reconnaissance Wing
70th Reconnaissance squadron SAMA CH2000
70sq moved from Basrah to Talil/Imam Ali in October 2010.

The first two Hawker Beechcraft T-6A Texan IIs for the Iraqi Air Force departed Wichita on their delivery flight on 1 December 2009, transiting from Beech Field (KBEC) via Des Moines, IA (KDSM) to Toronto Pearson International Airport (CYYZ), Toronto, ON, Canada, onwards to Ostend in Belgium.

Iraqi Air Force

Eight SAMA CH2000 were delivered in 2005. They reside at Iman Ali Air Base.


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