Search found 121 matches

by Stafpilot
06 Jul 2018, 10:41
Forum: Airshow news!
Topic: Meeting de l'Air Nancy-Ochey 30 june/ 1 july 2018
Replies: 52
Views: 18743

Re: Meeting de l'Air Nancy-Ochey 30 june/ 1 july 2018

In the morning on Saturday TBM-700 147/XS landed. Where did it go afterwards? The one that departed late in the afternoon on Saturday is said to have been 77/XD... :o It went to the north-west shelter area. If i am right it brought a visiting general. Regi is correct as I made a picture of the land...
by Stafpilot
06 Jul 2018, 00:18
Forum: Airshow news!
Topic: Meeting de l'Air Nancy-Ochey 30 june/ 1 july 2018
Replies: 52
Views: 18743

Re: Meeting de l'Air Nancy-Ochey 30 june/ 1 july 2018

In the morning on Saturday TBM-700 147/XS landed.
by Stafpilot
06 Jul 2018, 00:12
Forum: Airshow news!
Topic: Meeting de l'Air Nancy-Ochey 30 june/ 1 july 2018
Replies: 52
Views: 18743

Re: Meeting de l'Air Nancy-Ochey 30 june/ 1 july 2018

addition: F-JBCU Dynamic WT towing the glider
by Stafpilot
02 Jul 2018, 09:30
Forum: Airshow news!
Topic: Meeting de l'Air Nancy-Ochey 30 june/ 1 july 2018
Replies: 52
Views: 18743

Re: Meeting de l'Air Nancy-Ochey 30 june/ 1 july 2018

wamovements wrote:(05)/F-TGCH was also in the left hangar near the flightline
There were two Extra 330C´s present:
So, the F-TGCH has no code. The code is visible below the cockpit
It might be the `1968-2018 50 equipe de voltige´ text in the tail which causes confusion.
by Stafpilot
10 Nov 2017, 09:30
Forum: 't Praethuys
Topic: AGL Beurs 2017 - Zaterdag 11 november -Leeuwarden
Replies: 1
Views: 908

Re: AGL Beurs 2017 - Zaterdag 11 november -Leeuwarden

Vergeet niet dat er ook een avondprogramma is dat om 19.30 uur begint. Oud-vlieger Tjebbe Haringa zal dan vertellen over de vliegtuigen die hij heeft gevlogen in zijn tijd als testvlieger.
by Stafpilot
04 Nov 2017, 09:06
Forum: 't Praethuys
Topic: AGL Beurs 2017 - Zaterdag 11 november -Leeuwarden
Replies: 1
Views: 908

AGL Beurs 2017 - Zaterdag 11 november -Leeuwarden

11 November 12:00 -17:00 is er weer onze jaarlijkse beurs waar iedereen kennis kan maken met de verschillende aspecten die deel uitmaken van de luchtvaarthobby, zoals het verzamelen van foto's en/of dia's, boeken en tijdschriften, bouwmodellen, emblemen, radiocommunicatie, etc. Toegang gratis. Avond...
by Stafpilot
17 May 2017, 02:17
Forum: Airshow news!
Topic: Airshow BA106 Merignac 14/5/17
Replies: 31
Views: 12843

Re: Airshow BA106 Merignac 14/5/17

According to European Military Out of Service 2011 the CM170 in PdF colours could be 454 code 1.
by Stafpilot
17 May 2017, 01:59
Forum: Airshow news!
Topic: Airshow BA106 Merignac 14/5/17
Replies: 31
Views: 12843

Re: Airshow BA106 Merignac 14/5/17

Check. 228 should then be added to the static overview Correct, I forgot that one. While taking off Sunday late afternoon I noted a C235 as well. Anyone plse? Most likely the 123 which was parked most of the day near the Gendarme hangar. It dropped the paras during the day and late in the afternoon...
by Stafpilot
03 Apr 2017, 08:57
Forum: Brussels-Zaventem/Melsbroek
Topic: EBBR 02-04-2017 CIV
Replies: 4
Views: 991

Re: EBBR 02-04-2017 CIV

Having a close look at the very distant picture I made I agree with you as it being a SJ100 (thanks you for that). The regi however seems to be EI-FWO
by Stafpilot
02 Apr 2017, 23:10
Forum: Brussels-Zaventem/Melsbroek
Topic: EBBR 02-04-2017 CIV
Replies: 4
Views: 991

EBBR 02-04-2017 CIV

Noted today at Brussels - Zaventem landing in the far distance EI-FWO A319 in Brussels AL livery.
by Stafpilot
17 Nov 2016, 17:52
Forum: Eindhoven
Topic: EHEH 15-11-2016 CIV
Replies: 1
Views: 563

Re: EHEH 15-11-2016 CIV

UR-CKL AN12 CAVOK went to military apron
by Stafpilot
17 Nov 2016, 17:49
Forum: Eindhoven
Topic: EHEH 15-11-2016 MIL
Replies: 5
Views: 1495

Re: EHEH 15-11-2016 MIL

UR-CKL AN12 CAVOK went to military apron
50+95 C160 German AF special colours, on the other side of the runway
08003 C17 NATO
by Stafpilot
07 Nov 2016, 13:43
Forum: 't Praethuys
Topic: Noge enkele tafels vrij op de AGL Luchtvaartbeurs 19 nov.
Replies: 0
Views: 702

Noge enkele tafels vrij op de AGL Luchtvaartbeurs 19 nov.

Voor de altijd gezellige en goed bezochte Luchtvaartbeurs van de Aviation Group Leeuwarden (AGL) zijn nog enkele tafels vrij. Heb je spullen die je wilt ruilen of verkopen of heb je een vereniging of activiteit die je wilt promoten: huur een of meer tafels en kom naar Leeuwarden! De kosten van de ta...
by Stafpilot
18 Oct 2016, 21:22
Forum: 't Praethuys
Topic: Luchtvaartbeurs Aviation Group Leeuwarden (AGL) 19 nov.
Replies: 0
Views: 798

Luchtvaartbeurs Aviation Group Leeuwarden (AGL) 19 nov.

Middagprogramma : 12:00 – 17:30 uur Entree: AGL-leden gratis, niet-leden gratis Tafelhuur: AGL-leden 4,00 Euro, niet-leden 10,00 Euro Een ieder die een tafel wenst te reserveren dient zich voor 1 november a.s. op te geven d.m.v. het sturen van een email naar De aanvragen worden...