Thank you. I was reading up on this aircraft used by Skyline Aviation (didn't know we had private aggressors in NL). Makes sense if Apache's were there. I didn't see/hear any other aircraft and FlightRadar wasn't showing anything else as well.
Had a chance to take some more pictures at Çiğli, Izmir. This base is used to train pilots. Usually they start the day with the KT-1T and then later in the day the Talons come out.
Does anyone know what the tower was telling the pilots "for information" before take off? Something like "national ... 3000 feet"? Iets met betrekking tot vogelgevaar. Aanwezigheid van zoveel vogelzwermen in de buurt van de basis... Yeah thought the second word was bird or birds...
Don't think it is about complaining, just about trying to give information so that others can benefit from it (and as a long, long, longshot hoping this information gets out to event organizers and they can learn from it). There is no harm in sharing your experience and/or opinion. I felt better pre...
I was there for the spotters day on Friday and the open day on Saturday. Friday all was relatively okay. I have missed it if this information was posted, but only by pure luck I decided to follow the VIP/press parking signs after first showing up at the main gate and then the blue parking. I also no...
En die app was ook een drama. Vrijdag hele dag was de data niet bereikbaar. Hoe moeilijk om data te cachen zodat mensen nog steeds het programma kunnen bekijken ook al is de server niet bereikbaar. Grr.