Nee, de enige uitzondering zijn HEMS/politie/vluchten m.b.t. orgaandonatie.
Many thanks!FISHER01 wrote:Cobra11TNCB wrote:Very helpful logs, thanks! Do you (or anyone else) also happen to know the callsign that 91-0341 used during the morning departure?
Great! Thanks a lot!pipichantal wrote:J-055 by looking at configuration aim120's at wingtips and also take off and landing sequence.
In my opinion it looks just right like this. Otherwise you would just have a lot of dead space on the left, with only a tiny bit or aircraft.Bennie wrote:About 30% of the elevator seems to be missing.....Apart from that, nice shot!
Pardon?Ivarb98 wrote:deze pracht kist verdient groningen niet
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