Anyone who knows if KC-135R 62-3545 is still present at Charleston and in what state it currently is? Last year it was missing a lot of parts including engines and tail but it is still counted as active.
Remember that the US billion is not the same as ours. 1 billion (short scale) in the US is 1000 million or 1 milliard (long scale) as we know it in continental Europe.
Still a lot of money but makes more sense now to most people
You're welcome. Since the 8hrs only comes back on (certain) fridays I would guess an 8hr (work/flying) day instead of the usual 10+ hrs. Nightflying would happen on other days then right before the weekend. When I was at Tucson in the previous years flying usually starts really early (sometimes befo...
With a little help from Google
HOL = Holiday
SDO = Scheduled Day Off
SUTA = Split Unit Training Assemblies
UTA = Unit Training Assembly
PP = still searching
Iemand een idee welke Cessna S550 Citation SII er momenteel rondjes boven West/Midden Nederland vliegt op 1850ft in perfecte cirkels? (twee tot op heden) Is het PH-LAB toevallig en iemand een idee wat de missie is? Thanks