Today I travelled again to Ronneby. Seen were Gripens JAS39C 39210, 39254, 39271, 39281, 39290, 39294 and JAS39 two-seaters 831 and 840, all F17 Wing. Also helicopters 30 and 37 (unknown type) of the Swedish Armed Forces were seen flying around the airbase. They operate from a dispersal along the ru...
Yesterday I drove to Ronneby to spot and photograph operational Gripens. Sadly no Gripen flew this day. Only a few local civil aircraft landed and departed. Because in between lot of trucks were seen with people on the runway it looks like this runway received some maintenance. Can anybody confirm t...
Allen, Op dit moment staat nog steeds de D-8282 stored op Woensdrecht. Heeft iemand enig idee of deze kist alsnog naar Spanje zal gaan zoals werd aangegeven vorig jaar toen het toestel werd weggehaald op Budel? Zie ook: Alvast bedankt. Gro...
Do you mean that the F-104G KG-101 also had received DA+ codes and camouflage for the RTL movie?
Did you make any photos???
Thanks for your report, sadly you did not visit the Kessel storage area of PSAero.
Hello all, Has anyone been to Kessel recently to check which aircraft can be found out there? Some believe that F-104G 23+94 went to the USA but I know the person who was interested but cancelled his interest later on. In a report on 23 April this year this aircraft was mentioned to be at Kessel but...
Sorry to tell you all but the FX69 with tail of FX70 is still with its owner in Belgium. I had even contact this morning about the status of his restauration of the aircraft. So it IS NOT at Kessel. I assume the report has mis-read an aircraft body? I am glad it is still being worked on and not in t...
Ik heb ook een advertentie geplaatst voor de andere oude tijdschriften die ik kwijt kan: oude AIM, Panoravia, ACE, On Finals...