After working on this lady 20 years ago to let her enter into service it is sad to see her go
Thanks KLM for making these final flights happen!! , too bad i was too late to get a ticket
Here some pictures of Axalp 2013, Tuesday the 8th of October, Most pictures are from the morning session because the rehearsal of the show (which are cancelled, due to weather conditions unfortunately) were in Stealth mode because of clouds hanging over us. <1> JAS39C
Remarkable that the wing is still in one piece, the landing gear is still good'', but the entire wing is separated from the fuselage. Anyone care to explain this??? With most high wing aircraft such as the MA-60 and for example the F50 the wing is only attached with 3 or 4 Bolts. with the forward b...
...ik blijf het een gotspe vinden om in je naam te doen alsof je hartstikke vernieuwend bezig bent met The Next Generation Aircraft terwijl je eigenlijk alleen maar een Fokkertje 100 aan het opleuken bent. Maar ach, het wonder van marketing zal wel niet aan mij besteed zijn. Ach het is niet altijd ...
Robert, Very nice images of the departing aircraft , It looks like you have the perfect copy of the 150-500, because mine(with a canon 40D) never gives such good and sharp images@500mm.
Here are a few of the ones i made yesterday, 01: 02:This finnish hornet made a nice roll during take-off, too bad the cloudbase was very low..:(, but it gave a nice silhouette effect.
Very nice pics of the participating aircraft, (only maverick68 a little less jpeg compression makes them even nicer).
Planning to go also sometime these weeks only the weather predicitons aren't to good, hopefully they will change the coming days.
Here are some of mine which i took around 16:00, I really liked the clouds in the background. 01 02 03 04 http://www.pla...
Nice to see the A380 with the IN-N-OUT in the background , the park in front is also a nice spot to photograph the aircraft in landing.
Is it not difficult to get permission to fly over the airport while to runway you are flying along is active
Beste Bas, Volgens mij kan je beide zijden gebruiken van alle landings/startbanen. bij zuidwest gebuik je bv 24 en bij noordoost 06 hier kan je meer info vinden en dan naar ais publications. hier kan je van alles vinden wat een piloot nodig heeft om zijn vluchten te pl...