On November 9, 2024, the Pilskie Muzeum Wojskowe held for the econd time their Foto Stop. During this photo shoot, around 40 aircraft enthoussiasts (Poland, Germany, Netherlands, UK and Belgium) could take pictures of the resident Sukhoi Su-22M4 3620 and PZL-Mielec TS-11F Iskra 1706. Several scenari...
On June 11th, the Pilskie Museum Wojskowe (PMW - Pila Military Museum) organised an event to comemmerate the 40th anniversary of their Sukhoi Su-22M3 with tactical number 3620. During this event, several small aircraft visited the airfield as a small fly-in was held. Due to the fact that 6 PLMB was ...
I've made a google map on which Belgian wrecks and relics, all over the world, are to be found. The map contains all known locations (past and current) to me. If you known others (past and current) locations, feel free to pass them to me, and I'll add it to the map. You can find the map here: https:...
Here's my LOG of my visit to the German Air Force museum at Berlin Gatow on April 17, 2014. Open Area: 93+42 Mil Mi-9 Luftwaffe (ex NVA LSK/LV 411) EB-344 Republic RF-84F Thunderflash Luftwaffe 35+62 McDonnell Douglas RF-4E Phantom II Luftwaffe 798 Sukhoi SU-22M-4 NVA LSK/LV 20+51 Mikoyan-Gurevich M...
Here's my log of my visit to the helicopter museum at Bückeburg, Germany on April 17th, 2014: 70+51 Bell UH-1D Heeresflieger 87+75 Bölkow Bo 105C Heeresflieger 7505 Sud Aviation Alouette II Heersflieger 58-5348 Bell OH-13H US Army 55-4109 Hiller OH-23C US Army no markings Hiller VZ-1/HO-1 Pawnee V-2...
On the road "Droga Krajowa 10" between Pila and Bydgoszcz you can find a Polish Air Force TS-11 Iskra mounted on a pole. Google maps locates it at 53.141506,16.886469 As the plane carries no markings, and can't be inspected due to being located on private grounds, maybe someone here knows ...
The Luftwaffenmuseum der Bundeswehr at Berlin Gatow received a Chipmunk T.10, registration WG466. According to their facebookpage, it's a Chipmunk that flew from Berlin gatow between 1958 and 1994. It's now stored in a hangar. https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/v/t1.0-9/10277634_...