as I was already pleased with the successful arrival day for the St. Dizier airshow and due to the bad weather forecast, I cancelled another planned tour to France for the departures and "diverted" into Spang (I like the A-10 and hoped just for a few of them) ... Although I had virtually no information available if and what has been going on there since a couple of weeks, this "good-luck" visit provided some very interesting movements ...
morning wave:
A-10C 81-981/SP y "81 FS" DEP/ARR
A-10C 82-656/SP y DEP/ARR
A-10C 81-966/SP y "52 OG" DEP/ARR
afternoon wave:
A-10C 82-654/SP y 1 x external fuel tank, 2 x travel pods ARR
A-10C 82-646/SP y 1 x external fuel tank, 2 x travel pods ARR
A-10C 82-656/SP y DEP/ARR
A-10C 81-966/SP y "52 OG" DEP/ARR
A-10C 81-962/SP y DEP
A-10C 82-660/FT wht/blck "76 FS" shark-mouth, 1 x external fuel tank, 2 x travel pod DEP !!!!!
C-17A 436AW 66165 DEP
C-17A 436AW 66168 DEP
C-17A 437AW 21101 ARR
C-17A 62AW 90165 ARR
C-17A 62AW 88203 DEP