Airbus South
0137 msn 137 F-RBAX FrAF
54+46 msn 138 GAF
21 Red msn 139 Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan fully painted
MSN140 still in Primer for GAF
There were 3 other GAF and 1 more French A400's totally unreadable due to heat haze.
CA-7102 msn 229 Indian Air Force
Fortunately the doors to the CN295 hanger were open. Inside were msn 236, 237 & 238 all in Primer with Indian flags
Airbus North
253 CN235-100M ex IAC, stored
295504 CC-295 (C295MPA-W) for Canada
Airbus South, main ramp
MSN140 A400M for Germany
54+35 A400M
54+42 A400M
54+46 A400M
21 (RED) A400M for Kazakhstan
(EC-402) A400M 100 years San Pablo markings
MSN207 C295MW for Angola, allocated T-412
MSN230 C295MW all white, reported for Mozambique
Airbus South, behind hangars
295510 CC-295 (C295MPA-W) for Canada
295511 CC-295 (C295MPA-W) for Canada
295512 CC-295 (C295MPA-W) for Canada
295514 CC-295 (C295MPA-W) for Canada
R-752 C295MPA-W for Angola
Stored T-35 Pillans
Rows from right to left, seen from the public park
Row 1 : E.26-06/79-53, E.26-39, E.26-20, E.26-23, E.26-24, E.26-10
Row 2 : E.26-04/79-51, E.26-34, E.26-26, E.26-32 (so missing E.26-19 + E.26-29, next to be bagged?)
Row 3 : E.26-35/791-35, E.26-27, E.26-36, E.26-37, E.26-17, + 1x bagged
Row 4 : 5x bagged
54+24 German AF fcs
A4M137 French AF fcs
MSN 141 primer for Germany
CASA 295
MSN 207 for Angola fcs
MSN 227 primer
MSN 229 India fcs also wearing CA7102 (later hangared)
MSN 230 all white
CA7104 for India fcs (in flight test hangar where CA7102 was put)
[0019] / F-RBAG French AF fcs, hangar
54+46 German AF fcs, hangar
Casa 295
[EC-295] Airbus, stored all white
EC-296 Airbus, stored no engines
CA7103 Indian AF fcs
CA7105 Indian AF fcs
MSN 235 primer, towed to paint
MSN 237 primer, for India, hangar
MSN 238 primer, for India, hangar
MSN 239 primer, fuselage only, pushed into final assembly line
A-400 (54+35) A4M105 LW
A-400 2x LW
A-400 TK.23-03/31-23
A-400 21red Kazachstan
Casa 295 29503 Kazachstan
Casa 295 R-751 Angola
Casa 295 white
Casa 295 Canada
Being the hangars
Casa 295 CA-7105 EC-234 India
Casa 295 CA-7106 EC-236 India
Casa 295 295510 Canada
Casa 295 295511 Canada
Casa 295 295512 Canada
Casa 295 295514 Canada
Any help on the missing serials is much appreciated. MTIA.
Last edited by Sleegertje on 03 Jul 2024, 14:09, edited 2 times in total.
Noted at Seville between 22nd & 24th of September 2024
A.400M T.23-04-10174/31-24 Ala 31
A.400M TK.23-07-10208/31-27 Ala 31
CN.235 T.19B-18/74-18 744 Esc
CN.235 T.19B-21/09-501 Guardia Civil
Casa 295 T.21-01/35-01 Ala 35
Casa 295 T.21-04/35-04 Ala 35
A.400M 0019/F-RBAG
CN.235 252
A.400M 0142/F-RBAY (MSN142) Fully Painted
A.400M (54+35) 'A4M105'
A.400M 54+47 (MSN140) Fully Painted
A.400M 54+49 (MSN143) Fully Painted
Casa 295 R-752
CC-295 295503
CC-295 295510
CC-295 295511
CC-295 295512
CC-295 295513
CC-295 295514
CC-295 295515
Casa 295 CA7106 '236' Fully Painted
Casa 295 CA7107 '237' Fully Painted
Casa 295 CA7108 '238' Fully Painted
Casa 295 '240' Unpainted For India
Casa 295 (FA-655) '230' Mozambique AF
Casa 295 '231' Primer
Casa 295 'EC-294' White c/s
Seville 08/10/2024
Airbus South Side
54+02 MSN 029 German Air Force. On Maintenance
(54+35) A3M105 MSN 105 German Air Force.
54+47 MSN140 German Air Force.
54+49 MSN 143 German Air Force.
MSN144 In Primer for German Air Force.
1 x Unidentified Spanish Air Force example
(FA-655) MSN 230 Mozambique Air Force
CA-7107 MSN 237 Indian Air Force
CA-7108 MSN 238 Indian Air Force
0481 Czech Air Force
Airbus North Side
T.19B-18/74-18 Spanish Air Force
252 Irish Air Corp
913 Oman Air Force (Inside maintenance Hanger)
T.21-01/35-01 Spanish Air Force
T.21-04/35-04 Spanish Air Force
Noted on October 1, North side in hangar together with CAF 295513 was Spanish Navy (T)AV-8B covered with plastic!!! Almost sure a dual Matador, but needs confirmation. Any info welcome
Last edited by Rico1969 on 01 Dec 2024, 18:14, edited 1 time in total.
Simon, thanks for your comprehensive report. Some additions for 27 thru 29 Nov:
27/11 also saw a visit by Falcon 900 T.18-3/45-03
CC295W 295513 left on 28/11 as CFC1096 to Terceira / Lajes, so likely on delivery.
Harrier VA.1B-36-01-924 was seen on the north side, parked next to a hangar and easily visible from the road.
On 29/11 Kazakhstan 29501 left for Athens. Also seen on the south side were Angola R-752, parked right next to R-751. Spanish Casa 295 T.21-04 / 35-04 was seen on tow at the north side.
Finally, French AF King Air 350 1030/F-RACH arrived 5 pm from Dakar, via Arrecife, and should have left in the dark to Cognac. Merci beaucoup.