Otto wrote:Still on for tomorrow are AME1533 4x EF18. I'm not sure if Leeuwarden authorized them
Typical as the F-18 from Orland are from Ala46 and also fly on a AME46xx callsign, and next to this will be refeulled today in the Dutch TRA's on their way home. Third point is that there are 6x F-18s in Orland according to the Orland topic.
AME4623B-D vlucht van 3 stuks, later AME4623A tezamen met de tanker AME4725. De tanker is geland op Eindhoven. AME4623 is geswitcht naar Maastricht radar
Should be ALA 15. Also Spanish Mirage F1's are expected at the Artic Tiger Meet no idea where they will do there fuel stop. ETA in local time is 09.50. Is there a Special Paint EF-18?
Ala 15 is correct, callsign for this flight is AME1533
maybe they still use the same tiger aircraft as last year?
Departure time for the F18's is 900z (or 1100 local)
Did those Hornets ever show up?? And how about the ones coming Monday? There is a rumour there will again be 4 Hornets fuelstopping, but it has also been said that they will refuel air-to-air, and Leeuwarden is just a "back up".
Anybody who knows more?
Thijs wrote:Should be ALA 15. Also Spanish Mirage F1's are expected at the Artic Tiger Meet no idea where they will do there fuel stop. ETA in local time is 09.50. Is there a Special Paint EF-18?
Tomorrow the base Ramstein is expect 4x Spanish Mirage F-1’s from Albacete. ETA is 10:00LT and departing time is 13:00LT