Weather: scattered clouds, clear air, mostly sunny, warm, light wind
Based aircraft (86th Air Wing; 37th & 76th Air Squadron):
C-130J 37thAS 88602/RS bl/w '86 OG' T16:55 L20:12
C-130J 37thAS 88601/RS bl/w '86 AW' T17:38 L20:43
C-130J 37thAS 68603/RS bl/w '37 AS' T17:38 L20:42
C-130J 37thAS 78604/RS bl/w T17:39 L20:42
C-40B 76thAS 20042 - L13:20 T16:15
C-21A 76thAS 40... bl L13:01
C-21A 76thAS 40... bl L15:53
Visiting aircraft (mainly Air Mobile Command):
C-17A 436thAW 77176 bl/y L13:20
C-17A 437thAW 77187 y/bl L17:52
C-17A 437thAW 21098 y/bl L19:31
C-17A 62ndAW 21102 gn T14:32
C-17A 452ndAMW 55145 y/r T14:55
C-17A 62ndAW 90064 gn T15:10
C-17A 62ndAW 00181 gn T15:42
C-17A 437thAW 60006 y/bl T16:02
C-17A 436thAW 77176 bl/y T16:15
C-17A 305thAMW 88199 bl T16:50
C-17A 437thAW 77187 y/bl T20:50
C-17A 436thAW 77174 bl/y T21:21
C-130H 910thAW 23021 r/bl L18:57
Additional movements:
UH-60A 1-159thAVN (..-)..... T15:18
AH-64D 2-159thAVN (0-)57005 T18:10
AH-64D 2-159thAVN (0-)57006 T18:10
AH-64D 2-159thAVN (0-)75516 T20:07
F-16D 22ndFS 91-472/SP bl A16:13d
F-16C 22ndFS 90-342/SP r A16:13d
UH-60A 1-214thAVN (88-)26045 V16:48
UH-60A 1-214thAVN (88-)26004 V17:18
the three Apaches (identified via radio callsign only) where reported to have been delivered to Germany via Galaxy and have been in operational use somewhere in the East. They are "new" ones for US Army Europe, so I was told by other spotters.