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Re: COMAO Kee Bee

Post by Leeuwarden »

Let's just say they got the paperwork up and running after we were there... :bonk:
Don't steal my pictures...
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Re: COMAO Kee Bee

Post by Laurent »

Crizz wrote:
Just to be clear, they were clearly informed of this fact !
NO! As I arranged the visit for the AGL, I have never been told or read anything about one photographer per group.
I have reviewed all documents and E-mails, and not once has the above been mentioned.
If I knew, I had cancelled the visit.
When did you organise your trip ? I'm 200% sure that for visits in March 2011 you already had to send in advance a complete list of participants (with indication of who the photographer was going to be). I had my visit on March 2nd !

Best regards,

Last edited by Laurent on 31 Dec 2011, 15:41, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: COMAO Kee Bee

Post by Stratofreighter »

Let's all not forget that when a "large spotters event" is held (i.e. hundreds and now even thousand-plus of visiting photographers) the organisation at KeeBee is second to none! :respect:

Can't think of many airbases on continental Europe that have this great tradition as well... :idea: per March/maart 2025...
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Re: COMAO Kee Bee

Post by FISHER01 »

Simple, just hide those TOY'S for 1 or 2 day's and give the 10.000 spotters. a best day of their life
greetzz. Jos FISHER01 K.™

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Spottersday KB

Post by Stafsels »

Any news on wether an photoafternoon or spotterday has proven to be possible this year?


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Re: COMAO Kee Bee

Post by DJMikey »

As I stated before, I was told no visits what so ever are allowed during the COMAO. Hopefully KB, or whoever is in charge of the decisions about visits and spotterdays, will change their mind.
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Re: COMAO Kee Bee

Post by davidalbrecht »

i did a visit to kb in march sanctioned by someone on high.
. he got permissions for all bases including kb where photography was allowed
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Re: COMAO Kee Bee

Post by Richard de Florennes »

what are you talking about? which COMAO? Why in the "Airshow" section?

As far as I am aware, there is "just" a helicopter exercise scheduled in September with the helos opterating from Leopoldsburg barracks and/or nearby Sanicole airfield. The helicopter exercise will be supported by SOME fixed-wing aircraft operating from KB which is not the same as a Combined Air Operation (COMAO) like the TLP flying part, "Flag" exercises or former Tactical Air Meets ...

So no large-scale exercise at KB NOR an airshow NOR as spotters day.

So what is the purpose of this already 2-page-topic in this section?
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Re: COMAO Kee Bee

Post by warthog64 »

I guess it's curiosity, and wishfull thinking.....
Some things up!
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