March 4th LGGG:
07.01 AFP19 (CN-295MPA 16712 Esq 502) passing 128 for FL140, fly dir TRL. Initially fly dir SOKRI. 07.20 change Athena 134.325. 07.23 radarcontact FL140. 07.59 climb FL180.
07.08 KERAVNOS23 (F-16 330 Mira) contact Preveza 120.450
07.18 PCH21B (? Pilatus) (del. flt) passing FL145. 07.37 contact Cairo 127.7
07.22 HAF364 (T-6A 364 MEA) sq 3722, proceed to ARA, TRL, Kalamata. 07.49 descend FL130, contact Kalamata APP 120.750.
07.32 PCH22R (? Pilatus) (del. flt) radarcontact passing 165 for FL190. 07.54 contact Cairo 127.7.
07.39 ALEPPOU10 (F-16 340 Mira)
08.16 QID44 flt (KC-135R 63-8884 351 ARS) in the climb, passing 140 for FL260 on the PLH 1G (dep). Sq 2031, 22NM NW of Souda, FL260 final.
In formation with PANTHER21, 1 K35R and 4 F15. Refuelling activities will take place in Malta FIR. 08.37 contact Malta 123.625
08.16 PANTHER21 (F-15E 48 FW) climbing FL260, 24NM NW of Souda.
08.38 CEF625 (CN-295M 0454 242.tsl) cleared to destination via FP route. 10.00 fly dir NESTA.
08.43 SK61 (P-3 USN) over AARLOS FL290, proceed dir PLH for destination Souda. 08.50 call Souda 118.125.
08.52 PSK508 (CN-235-200 N5025 Prescott Support) FL190 28M from DEMAG. New sq 2253, proceed dir PLH. 09.42 Athens 125.2, FL190.
08.57 QID76 (KC-135R 61-0295 351 ARS) dir PLH 12NM, passing 200 climbing FL260. We would like to block FL250-270 for airrefuelling with PANTHER41 flt.
In formation with PANTHER41, 4 F15. 09.16 Request block FL260-280. 09.19 Malta 123.625.
09.15 HAF356K (C-130H 745 356 MTM) FL190 encourse ASTIS.
09.22 CNV604H (C-9B 160051 VR-61) FL310, cleared to Souda via FP route. 09.47 dir SOKRI then Souda. 09.51 Descend FL250, FL190, FL150. 09.56 Souda 118.125.
09.25 QID75 flt (KC-135R 58-0100 351 ARS) climbing through 220 for FL260. Req block FL260-280. [with PANTHER61].
09.31 LION738 (C-130J-30 06-810 37 AS) request current WX at Souda Bay. 09.37 change 124.625, FL270. 09.51 souda APP 118.125.
09.31 VVPD323 (P-3C 161594 USN) passing 13700 for FL170. Call 124.625. 09.38 looking for FL210. After OTREX dir KAVOS. 09.47 Proceed dir SIT. 09.50 Athens 125.2, checking in FL210, request dir GUDIS.
Fly dir GUDIS, after GUDIS climb FL230. 10.00 req-> climb final FL250. 10.35 cancelling IFR proceeding due regard. Contact Nicosia 124.2
09.34 IAF016 (? IDF) FL240, destination LGAV (Venizelos), sq 2022. Approaching position ABILO, fly dir SOREV. 09.49 confirm the first touch-and-go will be in Athens?
Confirmed, will proceed to another touch-and-go at LGKL (Kalamata). 10.48 Descend FL180. 10.50 contact Athens APP 132.975.
10.12 BRNCO87 (MV-22B VMM365?)* 12M N of Souda, passing 152 climbing FL160. Sq 5531, proceeding dir DEMAG. 10.42 change Malta Control 123.625.
10.35 CNV4367 (C-40A 166696 VR-56) contact Athens 125.2, checking in FL400, dir KRK. 10.40 contact Athens 134.325.
10.49 PAAF703 (C-130E 4189 Pakistan AF) change Brindisi Control 128.3.
10.52 RCH1815 (C-17A 08-8191 437 AW) FL330 sq 3732, 5M w OF ARLOS, proceed dir SALUN. 11.00 app SALUN, change Cairo 127.5.
11.08 NATO35 (E-3D ZH101 8 Sq) dir SIT, TOSKA. 11.19 Request change of destination, we would like to go to Akrotiri for our final landing today, LCRA. 11.24 FL330. 11.56 contact Nicosia 125.5
11.28 LION738 (C-130J-30 06-810 37 AS) FL190, request FL230. Sq 1434, climb final FL230. 11.36 Climb FL250. 12.05 cleared dir GESAD, contact Cairo 124.7.
11.32 IAF016 (? C-130E 309 103/131 Sq ?) FL200. 11.34 Start descend FL140. 11.38 radarservice terminated, contact Kalamata APP 120.750
11.34 BRNCO87 (MV-22B VMM365?)* unable to make it to Sigonella due to thunderstorm, WX and icing. 11.36 Leaving FL100 for FL120.
12.00 CNV604H (C-9B 160051 VR-61) climbing through 10500 for FL240, sq 7017. Final FL240. 12.09 Descend FL180. 12.10 contact Athens APP 132.975
12.08 IAF016 (? C-130E 309 103/131 Sq ?) sq 2020 out of FL160. Contact 124.625, out of FL170. On the radar passing 175 for FL230. 12.14 Proceed dir to KUPIS. 12.23 FL230,
cleared dir MAGIS. 12.29 Request dir LGSR Santorini for touch-and-go. Descend FL150. After this approach on my way to LLBG (Ben Gurion).
Stop descend FL210. FYI, your touch-and-go wasn't in your flightplan, so Santorini APP does not approve your request for a touch-and-go.
You have to continue your flight to your destination. Request to maintain FL210 on our way to Tel Aviv.
Climb FL230. 12.57 request descend FL170 due to temperature malfunction. 13.00 request descend FL130. 13.07 Fly KAVOS then KAROL.
12.10 RRR1831 (BAe.125 CC3 ZE395 32 Sq) on the radar FL330, climb F350, follow FP route. 12.48 contact Athens 125.2, FL370 dir SIT.
12.40 SK62 (P-3 USN) checking in with you 13000, climb restriction 150, request FL280. Sq 7075, climb FL280.
12.43 ARIS D (F-4E 338 MDV) 12.46 contact Tanagra 120.250.
12.52 HAF356K (C-130H 745 356 MTM) sq 7036, FL160.
13.04 IAM4671 (C-130J-30 MM62190 46 BA) identified over METRU FL240, proceed via FP route.
* see topic
(all times GMT/zulu)