HS-CPA Beech 350 Siam Land Flying /Executive Wings arr 09:20 from VTBD/DMK dep 10:03 to VTBD/DMK
HS-VNT G200 Advance Aviation arr 14:48 from VTBD/DMK dep 15:50 to VTBD/DMK
HS-AIM Beech 350i Aeronautical Radio of Thailand (Aero Thai) AET03 arr 13:22 from VTBD/DMK dep 20:28 to VTBD/DMK
HS-TOM PA-46-350TP arr 07:28 from VTCY dep 09:25 to VGEG/CGP
B-3367 CRJ-200ER Sprakle Roll Jet LNM301/302 arr 16:31 from VHHH/HKG dep 03rd July/15:13 to VHHH/HKG
HS-DCF Beech 200 Aeronautical Radio of Thailand (Aero Thai) AET06 arr 16:52 from VTPP/PHS dep 28th/14:12 to VTBD/DMK