But that you shouldn´t do. Just like when an Englishman says "Interesting thought you have there", he doesn´t mean go on with it, he means "b*llocks, I don´t like it, but I am trying to save your face".Glidepath wrote:call me sceptic, but read carefully,
"Indefinitely postpone".
translate to dutch.... Postpone = onbepaalde tijd uitstellen.
why not "definitely abandon the wrong road"?!
Dear Frank,
We hereby acknowledge the receipt of your message asking for the deletion of your photos from Airliners.net. We understand that this is a decision that you would not make lightly. It pains us that this situation has come to pass.
Although it is your right to delete your photos if you so wish, we suspect that the reason for the deletion is your disagreement with the new TOU (Terms of Use) which we published Friday, Feb.8.
However, Demand Media made a big mistake by swiftly introducing this new TOU (a clone from other Demand Media's websites), on a request of Demand Media's Legal and Administrative Departments, without sufficiently studying the consequences for the photographers and their rights to their own photos. We deeply apologize for that. Demand Media never intended to harm the rights of the photographers and Airliners.net has always been, and still is, totally committed to respecting and protecting the full rights of the photographers.
Therefore the new TOU has been completely withdrawn and a new TOU will be written reflecting the interests of the photographers. ALL rights will stay with the photographer. Photographers will always be credited for their work and no modification or advertising will ever go in/on your photos.
As the reason you gave for your request has now been removed, we kindly ask you to reconsider your deletion request until a new revised TOU is published. You can then judge if you agree with that or not and if you still want to delete your photos.
We can assure you that the Airliners.net crew of around 70 people are all dedicated aviation enthusiasts just like you, and most of them are aircraft photographers too, some for 45 years already. For them too, a TOU that looks after the interests of the photographers is of paramount importance.
We share a common passion for aviation. Together we have built up and maintained the largest community where people can share and view aviation pictures in an unsurpassed database. We sincerely hope that you will continue to be a contributor and share your pictures with all the other photographers and aviation enthusiasts here. And not to forget, to benefit from the exposure that you get from people in the aviation industry and from the general public at the most visited aviation photo website in the world.
Best regards,
The Airliners.net Crew
In ieder geval zijn ze zichzelf ook rot geschrokken van de reacties.wright flyer wrote:Dear Frank,
We hereby acknowledge the receipt of your message asking for the deletion of your photos from Airliners.net. We understand that this is a decision that you would not make lightly. It pains us that this situation has come to pass.
Best regards,
The Airliners.net Crew
Gewoon uit nieuwsgierigheid;JS50557 wrote:Gelukkig zijn ze wakker geworden bij Demand Media.
Ik denk dat Johan ook zichzelf wel voor z'n kop kan slaan dat hij het verkocht heeft. Enerzijds moest hij misschien wel omdat het in je eentje niet te behappen is, aan de andere kant, als de nieuwe TOU door zijn gegaan zou zijn hele 'levenswerk' in een keer naar de knoppen geholpen zijn door een stelletje advocaten en 'geldwolven' uit de VS...
Het tweede was bij mijn weten een cadeautje, niets schokkends. Als ik het een beetje goed inschat willen de vrijwilligers dat ook bewust blijven, al is een enkeling geloof ik opgestapt omdat hij/zij niet (indirect) voor DM aan de slag wilde.Stefan wrote:Weet iemand wat ie er eigenlijk voor gevangen heeft en of de vrijwilligers daar iets van gezien hebben?
Dat betwijfel ik beide.JS50557 wrote:Gelukkig zijn ze wakker geworden bij Demand Media.
Ik denk dat Johan ook zichzelf wel voor z'n kop kan slaan dat hij het verkocht heeft.
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