This was my first trip with my new Nikon D800, which I received the same day I traveled up to Ørland. A mix of weather, some which made it tricky but which made for some interesting shots. Very enjoyable first outing with my new baby

Critique welcome

The day before the spotterday, from south of the runway. Soon after it was Wet Wet Wet:

Not a bad spot really:

One of two specially painted Turks:

Spotters Day:

Lovely conditions as this came in:

First aircraft to depart were the Awacs and the two Stratotankers:

Arrivals at the taxiway in gorgeous light:

Close to the action:

Tiger spirit by the Belgians:

Showing off by folding the wings while taxiing past the spotters:

The German Tonka crews knows how to please the photographers:

Low angle lying flat in the grass:

Taken from a moving bus:

Afternoon launch was tricky as the sun had moved around:

Made for different shots though:

One of my favorites from the day:

Awacs in the morning:

Snowy mountains even in June:


Hope you liked them - Throw a comment if you did (throw one if you didnt too and tell me why
