1Civil Terminal
Spot 1 is at the civil terminal. Here you should be able to take a peek at the baseflight and the Esk722 detachment but due the forest this spot is not the best. It is good for some coffee and its toilet facilities.
2Landing to the West
Spot 2 is probably the best place to see aircraft and take pictures. You will find it if you take the 403 to Over Jerstal and pass the landing lights. Park your car a bit further at the parking space 'signed with "Jaettestuerne" and walk about 500 m back. On the left side of the road, you should go into the field and find a few hills. The last hill is the best to allow you to take pictures with 200 mm and you will have a view on the field where you should be able to see the F-16s departing and the visitors platform. You could walk towards the fence to have a nice morning position on the aircraft on the south taxiway towards the runway. Although the fence is obstructed by some shrubberies with thorns, there are some holes towards the fence. Here, you will need 500 mm for the F-16s, the fence is quite low but next to the airbase road, so don't stay here too long.
3Preserved F-84
Spot 3 is where you can find the main gate of the military base. Not much to see here, except for the preserved F-84 and there is a taxi track which crosses the road 47.
4Landing to the East
Spot 4 can be reached by turning into the Valsbeackvej from the 47. Just outside the forest you would be able to the see the aircraft landing although they might be a bit high. We might suggest spot 5.
5Landing to the East, closer..
Spot 5 is reachable via the Valsbeackvej which is the same as you will use to reach spot number 4. The Smedagervej is forbidden for all sorts of traffic but from the crashgate there you have better viewing capabilities than at spot number 4. You are facing the sun though.
6Landing to the East, different..
The Plantagevej runs along the southern side of the base and it looks totally covered by woods. There is one spot though. If you head West on this road you can turn towards the base (near a crashgate, the road is called Savvaerksvej) at the Western end of the base. Just before you reach the crashgate turn left onto a dirt road. From this road you can walk towards the approach. This spot is very good for pictures and reading. When runway 29 is in use you can use this spot for take-off pictures. The recently grown bushes give some cover and good shots can be made using 400 mm (digital), and closer to the runway you are less obscured from the base's view but full-frame pictures need only 200 mm. It's up to you!