Search found 1259 matches

by K-9
03 Jul 2008, 12:51
Forum: Amsterdam - Schiphol
Topic: Duur Schiphol verkeert in crisis
Replies: 11
Views: 3501

Ja dus lang leven de Nederlandse regering..... :bad-words: Laten we naast Schiphol ook de kleinere velden niet vergeten, zei krijgen vast en zeker ook een flinke klap. Ik hoop voor de mensen werkzaam in betreffende sector dat er niet te veel gedwongen ontslagen zullen komen ! Want onze regering wil ...
by K-9
01 Jul 2008, 14:30
Forum: Spotting Belgium & Luxembourg
Topic: Req : arrivals Sanicole
Replies: 2
Views: 1963

Req : arrivals Sanicole


Has there been any info released regarding arrivals / departures to/ from Kleine-Brogel, for the sanicole airshow ?

Regards, Rene
by K-9
21 Jun 2008, 21:03
Forum: Airshow news!
Topic: LOG: Leeuwarden 21-06
Replies: 61
Views: 16707

LOG: Leeuwarden 21-06


I would like to now if someone has been able to read of all F-16's that were parked on the other side, same line as EF-18, Ah-64's etc..
If anyone could provide me those serials, i would be very thankful !

Grtz, Rene
by K-9
09 Jun 2008, 21:57
Forum: Spotting Belgium & Luxembourg
Topic: Florennes (EBFS) - 2008
Replies: 709
Views: 84749

LogFlorennes 9-6

F-16A MM7239 , MM7240 , MM7244 , MM7253 AMX MM7131/51-11 , MM7146/51-25 F-16C 92-0002 , 92-0004 F-4E 68-0528 , 68-0532 Jas-39 9240 , 9245 L-159 6050 , 6070 Rafale 7-HW/324 , 7-HI/313 M2000 4-BV/344 , 4-BX/356 , 4-CK/361 , 4-CS/305 E-3A LX-N90456 EF-18 15-03/C.15-16 , 15-26/C.15-39 Visit : F-16A J-19...
by K-9
21 Mar 2008, 23:53
Forum: Amsterdam - Schiphol
Topic: Vliegtax Schiphol
Replies: 11
Views: 2892

I wonder what our government in The Haque is thinking....

I'm afraid this could mean a devastating blow to commercial aviation in Holland, with a lot of people about to lose there job.

Just another great thing done, by our great government.... :x

Best regards,
by K-9
12 Sep 2007, 14:41
Forum: Gilze-Rijen & GRAS
Topic: Gilze 12-08-07
Replies: 19
Views: 9893

Zeg je vergeet de Bo' tjes....
Die kwamen over Breda, net voordat de rest ( terug ) kwam.

by K-9
05 Sep 2007, 22:08
Forum: Airshow news!
Topic: Heldair Show Maritiem 15-09-2007
Replies: 40
Views: 25391


Anyone who knows if the visting aircraft will also be visible from the outside on sunday, day after the show ?


by K-9
17 Jul 2007, 19:37
Forum: Airshow news!
Topic: Kleine Brogel arrival/departure info
Replies: 87
Views: 42303


I know it is still early.... but has anyone got a full log from today 09.00 till 17.00u ?
I had a log but lost it during the day :cry:

Hope to see a log later on.

Grtz, Rene
by K-9
30 May 2007, 00:32
Forum: Brussels-Zaventem/Melsbroek
Topic: Brussels (EBBR/BRU) - 2007
Replies: 313
Views: 124607


Do you have a serial ?
I've seen it while picking up a passenger, but had my equipment at home....

Grtz, Rene
blacksky wrote:went to EBBR
it was the K-3602

gr Frank
thanks robin for posting this !!!!
by K-9
01 Mar 2007, 16:02
Forum: Photography
Topic: Analoge fotografie
Replies: 37
Views: 13784

Tja... Ik blijf ook gewoon analoog fotograferen zolang de rolletjes nog te koop zijn en me camera het doet. Overstappen naar digitaal kost, incl. lenzen enzo, nogal wat ( naar mijn mening ) . En de nummertjes hebben daarnaast ook een hogere prioriteit dan foto's voor mij hebben. Maar zo heb ieder z'...
by K-9
08 Jan 2007, 13:47
Forum: Spotting Rest of Europe
Topic: Lajes (Azores) (LPLA/TER) 2007
Replies: 105
Views: 41933

by K-9
08 Jan 2007, 09:52
Forum: Spotting Rest of Europe
Topic: Lajes (Azores) (LPLA/TER) 2007
Replies: 105
Views: 41933

Req : Lajes Field spotting conditions


Are there persons who have been to Lajes field in the past and can tell me more about the spotting facilities at the base and perhaps provide a note of flightactivities ?
I'm planning to go over there in the near future.

Thanks in advance.

by K-9
08 Jan 2007, 09:49
Forum: Ramstein
Topic: Ramstein (ETAR/RMS) - 2007
Replies: 249
Views: 100526

The other C-5 Was 70-0464.

by K-9
06 Jan 2007, 11:29
Forum: Ramstein
Topic: Ramstein (ETAR/RMS) - 2007
Replies: 249
Views: 100526

Every reduction is one to many ! And because of that it is sad news. Ramstein has lost it's C-9 's now a few C-21 and C-130 aircraft will go, what next ? Oké in the future they will be replaced by C-130J's and the C-21's are likely to get another life with the ND Ang.... But still it remains a reduc...