To all the complainers about all the airshows that are not as you would like to see them please stop your hobby as you are seriously irritating others who do appreciate the efforts being made by the organisors if these shows... Really irritated to read all the negative ==censored== about Gilze, NTM ...
@ Roberto: What do you think the goal of the NTM is? 1. Supporting spotters with the best photo opportunities. 2. Organizing a large scale excercise to train the air forces for the next call to go to a crisis in the world. Just as you I will be taking photos into the sun from 15.30 hrs but I greatly...
Uiteindelijk is het natuurlijk heel simpel... Zonder Air Dominance kan de KL lekker in hun kazernes blijven zitten... Om tegenwoordig Air Dominance te verkrijgen hebt je een verdraaid goed vliegtuig nodig. Waarom denk je dat de Israeliers niet willen dat Iran en Syrie de modernste Russische SAM syst...
That is what I read yes. While I have a lot of respect for what JG71 is doing for us I wonder how many spotters choose to see them flying for a last time and will go there on Saturday... But first and foremost I want to thank the Richthofen people for organizing this event! [ Post made via Mobile De...