could anyone of the CANON 7D owners of you be as kind as to check my pictures if this is the normal standard quality for 7D pictures? I used to shoot with Canon 20D/40D in combination with the CANON 100-400 IS USM for several years now, with a lot of good and satisfying results; and now bought the 7D, to get better AF system among other new features. Unfortunately the results seem to come from a cheap pocket camera, the noise and image quality is as bad as I have not seen before. I sent the camera 2 weeks ago to Canon to check it, and got it back with the sign "repaird / CMOS justified". I went with it to the NATO Air Days, and still have the same results as before. Repaired?! Scam?! Most pictures look like I had used some cheap UV-filters at once... (Images with 40D look fine) I know heatwaves, I know conditions. But never ever has a panning with 1/1000 at F8 looked as crappy as this image:
Most of my 7D pictures look like that. Luckily the airshow season has ended, so CANON cannot ruin any further event for me in this year... The loss was already big enough though.

I would be very happy if maybe someone could upload an image with ISO250 and other settings like my picture? So I could compare it...
Thxs Chris