Search found 77 matches

by lappie
07 Oct 2012, 21:32
Forum: Aviation Photos - Thematic & non-actual
Topic: Wildenrath smokers from the 19th and 92nd Squadron
Replies: 29
Views: 14508

Re: Wildenrath smokers from the 19th and 92nd Squadron

thank you Stephan and pipichantal!
I have family not too far from Wildenrath. I really want to visit this site, take the children, and go for a stroll. Besides, its a lovely area, but the last time i've been there was in 1990.
by lappie
07 Oct 2012, 16:16
Forum: Aviation Photos - Thematic & non-actual
Topic: Wildenrath smokers from the 19th and 92nd Squadron
Replies: 29
Views: 14508

Re: Wildenrath smokers from the 19th and 92nd Squadron

Is Wildenrath accessible??
I heard there was a railway testtrack from Siemens. I assumed you cannot walk around there.

Cant wait to walk around there. So many times standing along the fence there , but never been onbase.
by lappie
08 Jul 2012, 23:02
Forum: Photography
Topic: Camera reinigen
Replies: 8
Views: 3745

Re: Camera reinigen

Hallo Janos, Jouw verhaal lezende moet ik weer denken aan een torretje wat door mijn zoeker liep. Als ik een foto wilde nemen moest ik wachten tot ie een beetje uit beeld was gelopen. Lastig kon ik het niet noemen, eerder grappig. Het beestje was best groot. Gelukkig zag je hem niet op de foto! Hij ...
by lappie
05 Aug 2011, 13:37
Forum: Aviation Photos - Thematic & non-actual
Topic: AVIANO A day with Falcons
Replies: 26
Views: 9692

Re: AVIANO A day with Falcons

Hi Coldwater,

I enjoyed watching your photo's. It gives a good impression of your visit to Aviano.
The one with the Amraam in front of F16 #526 I really like.
Oke, Maybe you might want to rethink the watermark. but I appreciated your post!

Best regards, Mark
by lappie
11 Mar 2011, 23:29
Forum: Tattle Lounge
Topic: Lynx + crew captured in Libya - Comments
Replies: 104
Views: 20722

Re: Lynx + crew captured in Libya - Comments

haha, no, i was just sarcastic!
Only the french would do such a thing.
o being sarcastic again, though not as much as the first time
by lappie
11 Mar 2011, 22:41
Forum: Military Aviation News
Topic: Lynx + crew captured in Libya
Replies: 21
Views: 8551

Re: Lynx + crew captured in Libya

The Lynx is kept by Libia as long as Malta does not return the Mirage F1's. I think that is the statement made by Libya. See the link in the post from Malcolm Bezzina.
by lappie
11 Mar 2011, 22:05
Forum: Tattle Lounge
Topic: Lynx + crew captured in Libya - Comments
Replies: 104
Views: 20722

Re: Lynx + crew captured in Libya - Comments

Malcolm Bezzina pointed a link out in the 'military news' section apparently Libya proposed to trade the 2 Mirage F1 currently in Malta for the dutch crew. Malta refused. Then there is Greece helping the dutch out. A bit ...
by lappie
02 Nov 2010, 13:50
Forum: 't Praethuys
Topic: DISCUSSIE MIL: Hoe lang blijft onze hobby nog bestaan ?
Replies: 138
Views: 21853

Re: DISCUSSIE MIL: Hoe lang blijft onze hobby nog bestaan ?

We hadden het over binnen bereik, en dat is dus niet de USA
Ik vind de USA meer binnen bereik dan Spanje, Griekenland en Turkije (F-84, T-2) begin jaren 80! En spotten op Ramstein was toen ook geen walk-in-the-park.

groeten, mark
by lappie
23 Oct 2010, 00:03
Forum: 't Praethuys
Topic: DISCUSSIE MIL: Hoe lang blijft onze hobby nog bestaan ?
Replies: 138
Views: 21853

Re: DISCUSSIE MIL: Hoe lang blijft onze hobby nog bestaan ?

Hoi Iwan, Het aantal oefeningen en open dagen zal ook mee gaan dalen. Daarnaast komt dan ook nog eens dat eenheden van een groter geografisch gebied meedoen, wat de kans dat een oefening dichtbij nederland wordt gehouden nog verder doet afnemen. Na de TLP verplaatsing, en met het horen van de sluiti...
by lappie
22 Oct 2010, 23:33
Forum: Aviation Photo Forum
Topic: Thracian star 2010 - Graf Ignatievo AFB - Bulgaria
Replies: 25
Views: 12161

Re: Thracian star 2010 - Graf Ignatievo AFB - Bulgaria

Great pictures. Where you standing on the runway?

But eh, 480th FS? Was it a dream they changed 480th to 22nd, and 22nd is still flying out of Bitburg?

Best regards
by lappie
18 Oct 2010, 13:47
Forum: Photography
Topic: Objectief keuze
Replies: 24
Views: 3267

Re: Objectief keuze

Hoi Maikel,

Ik ben eigenlijk wel benieuwd hoe het is gegaan afgelopen woensdag... vertel vertel!

groeten, Mark
by lappie
10 Oct 2010, 01:00
Forum: Photography
Topic: Objectief keuze
Replies: 24
Views: 3267

Re: Objectief keuze

Hi Maikel, Hoewel ik zelf geen canon gebruiker meer ben, wil ik je best wat overwegingen geven . (ik ben wel bekend met canon lenzen) Een vaste 400/5.6 is een lens die canon heeft uitgebracht in 1993. Geen IS, dus stilhouden is moeilijk. Snelle sluiterstijd op een toch al langzame lens (5.6) is een ...
by lappie
22 Jun 2010, 00:49
Forum: Airshow news!
Topic: Orleans JPO 20 june 2010
Replies: 1
Views: 1274

Orleans JPO 20 june 2010

Hi, An incomplete log of the open day at Orleans sunday 20 june. Weather was not that good, no sun, and cold. Static and flightline static side: 906 A-4 Singapore 927 A-4 Singapore 83/ZE Emb-121 France 11/61-MF C-160R France 158/61-ZX C-160R France 202/64-GB C-160R France 5119/61-PC C-130H France 47...
by lappie
12 Jun 2010, 23:15
Forum: Airshow news!
Topic: Hyeres - 100 years Aeronavale - 13 june 2010
Replies: 180
Views: 67488

Re: Hyeres - 100 years Aeronavale - 13 june 2010

Hi, The exact locations of the ships at the rade of Hyeres can be found in this document (from french defense)" onclick=";return false; The locations: Charles the Gaulle 43 04,00N - 6 12,50E USS...
by lappie
08 Jun 2010, 20:30
Forum: Scramble Intelligence Service
Topic: USS Truman CVN-75 in Marseille
Replies: 0
Views: 2158

USS Truman CVN-75 in Marseille

Hi, Earlier posted in "Europe - Istres and Orange" topic: USS Truman has anchored in Marseille today and is scheduled to leave Marseille 12 june. And from W&R: The "normal" location at Marseille harbour is at N43.34458, E5.33347. This vessel has visited Marseille earlier in m...