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Last Validated May 2012
City Hoogeveen
Position 52°43'51"N 006°30'58"E
Runway(s) 09/27, glider strip
Elevation 40 ft


Hoogeveen is a 'green' airfield in the northeast of the Netherlands, between Zwolle and Groningen. Apart from the usual light aircraft and gliders, the airfield hosts a number of flying oldtimers. Additionally, restoration and overhaul of historic airplanes is carried out at this aerodrome.


All the buildings are located near the entrance and good views exist from the airfield restaurant and its terrace. South of the grass runway, a separate grass strip is used by the gliders. Hoogeveen still sports the friendly, open atmosphere of light aviation. Access to hangar areas can easily be obtained by asking. The new Vliegveldweg runs right along the southern perimeter.

Getting There

From Hoogeveen train station, the walk to the airfield takes approximately 20 minutes. Alternatives are taxis or rental bikes. For drivers, two motorways conveniently intersect at Hoogeveen and it is only minutes to the airfield via the N374 or the "Weg om de Oost".

Around the Airport

1Main entrance

The airfield entrance lies in the corner of the Parmentierstraat and Lindberghstraat. Here, you will find the parachuting centre, several maintenance companies, the restaurant and the airfield authorities.


The older, and partly genuine historic, hangars are lined up here. Some of them are home to locally-based historic aircraft. Please ask for permission before going here or taking photos.

3Threshold 09

For a different view on the flying activities, with the sun from behind, try this spot. From the roundabout where Edisonstraat, Galileïlaan and Stephensonstraat meet, enter the latter and then take first left, into the industrial estate. A track along the ditch puts you right on the edge of the airfield, near the glider's starting point and abeam the western runway threshold. Most landing aircraft however are still quite high at this point, making it less interesting for photography.


By Spring 2012, the new Vliegveldweg along the southern perimeter had been opened, providing another spot at Hoogeveen. Viewing is excellent from this side of the field. Photography is influenced in terms of background by the hangars on the opposite side, but the light is favourable most of the day.

Piper Cub in front of the Dutch Barnstormers hangar in 2005, spot 2. (Jack Wolbrink)

Seagull FWP149D landing on (then) runway 28, seen from spot 4. (Fred Willemsen)


127.350Hoogeveen Radio
132.350Dutch MIL Info

Based Operators

ATN Vintage Wingslight historic aircraft
Seagull FormationPFW149D
Skydive HoogeveenCe208

More Info

Vliegveld HoogeveenOfficial website
EVW MaintenanceEgmond Vintage Wings website
Aviationweb déjà vuHoogeveen info

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