Ørland (ENOL)

RWY 15/33     POS 63°41'56"N 009°36'14"E     ELEV 28 ft

Wing Squadron Name / motto Aircraft Type(s) Badge
132 Luftving
Klar til strid (Ready for the battle)
331 Skvadron For Norge (For Norway) F-35A

332 Skvadron Samhold i strid (Unity during the fight) F-35A
SAR Helicopter Service
330 Skvadron Detasjement Trygg Havet (Save sea trip) AW101 Mk612
132 Luftving has a QRA detachment at Harstad-Narvik/Evenes Airport.

Norway operates two squadrons with F-35s. The Norwegians use a special drag chute housing on their aircraft, see the "hump" just before the tailsection.

(Ramstein, 5 June 2024, Rene Sleegers)

AW101 SAR helicopters have replaced the Sea Kings, after a long period of service within the Luftforsvaret

(De Kooy, October 2021, Frank Noort)

Bardufoss (ENDU)

RWY 11/29     POS 69°03'21"N 018°32'25"E     ELEV 260 ft

Wing Squadron Name / motto Aircraft Type(s) Badge
133 Luftving
Forsvar i Fellesskap (Defence together)
132 Luftving Detasjement F-35A (331 Skv/332 Skv)
Maritim Helikopterving
Maritime Helicopter Wing
337 Skvadron Lykken Følge den Tapre (Hapiness follows the brave) no current aircraft
139 Luftving
For Fred og Frihet (For peace and freedom)
339 Skvadron Styrke i Kamp (Strength in combat) Bell 412HP
Bell 412SP

Luftforsvarets Flygeskolen Fremtid i Frihet (Future in freedom) MFI-15
On 10 June 2022, the Norwegian Minister of Defence officially announced that phasing in of the NH90 (337 Skv) will be stopped and that all helicopters and related equipment will be returned to the supplier.


The Bell412 is operating in 339 Skvadron from Bardufoss and Rygge airbases.

(Andoya, June 2022, Daniël Obers)

The MFI-15 is being used for initial pilot training in the Luftforsvarets Flygeskolen based at Bardufoss.

(Over Norway, April 2016, Jan Jørgensen)

Bodø (ENBO)

RWY 07/25     POS 67°16'08"N 014°21'49"E     ELEV 42 ft

Wing Squadron Name / motto Aircraft Type(s) Badge
SAR Helicopter Service
330 Skvadron Detasjement Trygg Havet (Save sea trip) AW101 Mk162
Florø (ENFL)

RWY 07/25     POS 61°35'04"N 005°01'27"E     ELEV 37 ft

Wing Squadron Name / motto Aircraft Type(s) Badge
SAR Helicopter Service
330 Skvadron Detasjement Trygg Havet (Save sea trip) AW101 Mk162
Haakonsvern HEL (ENBH)

RWY HEL     POS 60°19'57"N 005°13'56"E     ELEV 0 ft

Wing Squadron Name / motto Aircraft Type(s) Badge
Maritim Helikopterving
Maritime Helicopter Wing
334 Skvadron For Fedrelandet (For the fatherland) no current aircraft
On 10 June 2022, the Norwegian Minister of Defence officially announced that phasing in of the NH90 (334 Skv) will be stopped and that all helicopters and related equipment will be returned to the supplier.

Harstad-Narvik/Evenes (ENEV)

RWY 17/35     POS 68°29'20"N 016°40'42"E     ELEV 85 ft

Wing Squadron Name / motto Aircraft Type(s) Badge
133 Luftving
Forsvar i Fellesskap (Defence together)
132 Luftving Detasjement For Norge (For Norway) F-35A (331 Skv/332 Skv)

333 Skvadron For Konge og Fedreland (For the king and fatherland) P-8A
Lakselv/Banak (ENNA)

RWY 17/35     POS 70°04'08"N 024°58'25"E     ELEV 15 ft

Wing Squadron Name / motto Aircraft Type(s) Badge
SAR Helicopter Service
330 Skvadron Detasjement Trygg Havet (Save sea trip) AW101 Mk612
Banak is under command of 132 Luftving

C-130J-30 5629 just after landing at Fairford for the RIAT. Four of these stretched Hercules are used by 335 skv as replacement for the H models.

(Fairford, 18 July 2024, Stephan van den Krommenacker)

One of the five P-8 Poseidons of 333 Skvadron 'Saints' based at Evenes.

(Seattle, June 2022, Brad Ice)

Luke AFB (AZ) (KLUF)

RWY 03L/21R, 03R/21L     POS 33°32'06"N 112°22'59"W     ELEV 1090 ft

Unit Squadron Name / motto Aircraft Type(s) Badge
56th Fighter Wing

62nd Fighter Squadron Spike War Dawgs F-35A
Moss/Rygge (ENRY)

RWY 12/30     POS 59°22'44"N 010°47'08"E     ELEV 169 ft

Wing Squadron Name / motto Aircraft Type(s) Badge
SAR Helicopter Service
330 Skvadron Detasjement Trygg Havet (Save sea trip) AW101 Mk612
139 Luftving
For Fred og Frihet (For peace and freedom)
339 Skvadron Detasjement Styrke i Kamp (Strength in combat) Bell 412HP
Oslo/Gardermoen (ENGM)

RWY 01L/19R, 01R/19L     POS 60°11'38"N 011°06'01"E     ELEV 681 ft

Wing Squadron Name / motto Aircraft Type(s) Badge
135 Luftving
I Felles Løft (In joint lift)
335 Skvadron Med Forente Krefter (With united forces) C-130J-30

Forsvarets Elektronisk krigføringssenter Visshet Viser Veg (Certainty shows the way) no current a/c
unit to stand down in 2024
Stavanger/Sola (ENZV)

RWY 11/29, 18/36     POS 58°52'36"N 005°38'16"E     ELEV 29 ft

Wing Squadron Name / motto Aircraft Type(s) Badge
Maritim Helikopterving
Maritime Helicopter Wing
330 Skvadron Trygg Havet (Save sea trip) AW101 Mk612
139 Luftving
For Fred og Frihet (For peace and freedom)
Operational Test & Evaluation AW101 Mk612

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