CFB Bagotville, Que. (CYBG)

RWY 11-29 18-36     POS 48°19'50"N 070°59'47"W     ELEV 522 ft

Wing Squadron Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge
3 Wing

425 Tactical Fighter Squadron CF-188 (F/A-18A)
CF-188B (F/A-18B)

433 Tactical Fighter Squadron CF-188 (F/A-18A)
CF-188B (F/A-18B)

439 Combat Support Squadron CH-146 (Bell 412CF) Sabre Toothed Tigers

The Canadian Air Force sent a couple of 425sq CF-188s to Europe to join the Frisian Flag exercise in 2022.

(Leeuwarden, Frank Noort)

Some CH-146 Griffons are painted bright yellow, just like many aircraft in the Canadian Air Force tasked for search and rescue.

(Trenton, Rob Sowald)

CFB Borden, Ont. (CYBN)
Wing Squadron Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge
1 Wing

400 Tactical Helicopter Squadron CH-146 (Bell 412CF) City of Toronto
CFB Cold Lake/Group Captain R.W. McNair, Alt. (CYOD)

RWY 04/22, 13R/31L, 13L/31R     POS 54°24'18"N 110°16'46"W     ELEV 1775 ft

Wing Squadron Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge
4 Wing

409 Tactical Fighter Squadron CF-188 (F/A-18A)
CF-188B (F/A-18B)
Night Hawk

410 Tactical Fighter (Operational Training) Squadron CF-188 (F/A-18A)
CF-188B (F/A-18B)

417 Combat Support Squadron CH-146 (Bell 412CF) City of Windsor
Aerospace Engineering Test Establishment

CH-146 (Bell 412CF)
CF-188 (F/A-18A)
CF-188B (F/A-18B)
Experto Crede
AETE will move to Ottawa in 2026 and merge with the civil NRC.
CFB Comox, B.C. (CYQQ)

RWY 11-29 18-36     POS 49°42'39"N 124°53'12"W     ELEV 84 ft

Wing Squadron Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge
19 Wing

407 Long-Range Patrol Squadron CP-140 (L-285B)
P-8A (on order)

418 Search and Rescue Operational Training Squadron CC-295 (C295MPA-W Piyautailili

442 Search and Rescue Squadron CC-130H (C-130H)
CH-149 (EH101-511)
CC-295 (C295MPA-W) (on order)
Un Dieu, Une Reine, Un Coeur
Comox also frequently houses a detachment of 409sq with CF-188s. 418 squadron will induct the CC-295 into RCAF service.
MQ-9B SkyGuardians will be based at Comox from 2028.

The new kid on the block, the Airbus CC-295 Kingfisher is the new Fixed Wing SAR aircraft. It was a very welcome visitor to the RIAT in 2024.

(Fairford, Fred van Horrik)

Squadrons on the Atlantic and Pacific coasts operate the Canadian version of the EH101 helicopter, dubbed CH-149 Cormorant in Canadian service.

(Ottawa, Wim Sonneveld)

CFB Gagetown, N.B. (CYCX)
Wing Squadron Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge
1 Wing

403 Helicopter Operational Training Squadron CH-146 (Bell 412CF) City of Calgary
CFB Goose Bay, Nfl. (CYYR)

RWY 08-26 16-34     POS 53°19'09"N 060°25'33"W     ELEV 160 ft

Wing Squadron Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge
5 Wing

444 Combat Support Squadron CH-146 (Bell 412CF) Cobra
CFB Greenwood, N.S. (CYZX)

RWY 08-26 13-31     POS 44°59'04"N 064°55'01"W     ELEV 92 ft

Wing Squadron Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge
14 Wing

404 Long-Range Patrol and Training Squadron CP-140 (L-285B)
P-8A (on order)

405 Long-Range Patrol Squadron CP-140 (L-285B)
P-8A (on order)

413 Transport and Rescue Squadron CC-130H (C-130H)
CH-149 (EH101-511)
CC-295 (C295MPA-W) (on order)

415 Long-Range Patrol Force Development Squadron CP-140 (L-285B)
P-8A (on order)
The CC-130H will be replaced by the CC-295 for SAR duties; MQ-9B SkyGuardians will be based at Greenwoord from 2028.

CFB Greenwood in Nova Scotia is the main operating base for the Canadian CP-140 Aurora fleet. This Aurora however, was pictured during a counternarcotics deployment to the Dutch Caribbean.

(Hato, Bea Moedt)

The CT-156 Harvard II is the Canadian variant of the T-6 Texan II and used for pilot instruction at Moose Jaw.

(London, Rob Sowald)

CFB Moose Jaw, Sas. (CYMJ)

RWY 11-29     POS 50°19'48"N 105°33'29"W     ELEV 1892 ft

Wing Squadron Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge
15 Wing

431 Air Demonstration Squadron CT-114 (CL-41A) Snowbirds

2 Canadian Forces Flying Training School CT-156 (T-6A) The Big 2
2CFFTS operates under the NATO Flying Training in Canada (NFTC).
CFB Petawawa, Ont. (CYWA)

RWY 16-34     POS 45°57'08"N 077°19'09"W     ELEV 427 ft

Command Squadron Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge

427 Special Operations Aviation Squadron CH-146 (Bell 412CF) Lion
1 Wing

450 Tactical Helicopter Squadron CH-147F (CH-47F) By Air To Battle
Technically, CANSOFCOM is no part of the RCAF.

This CH-146 Griffon is assigned to 427sq, the RCAF special operations squadron at Petawawa.

(Pettawa, Wim Sonneveld)

The CH-47 Chinook is known as CH-147 at the RCAF.

(Trenton, Rob Sowald)

CFB Shearwater, N.S. (CYAW)

RWY 10-28 16-34     POS 44°38'23"N 063°29'58"W     ELEV 167 ft

Wing Squadron Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge
12 Wing

406 Maritime Operational Training Squadron CH-148 (H-92) City of Saskatoon

423 Maritime Helicopter Squadron CH-148 (H-92) Eagle

The CC-150 Polaris aircraft are to be replaced by the Airbus CC-330 Husky in the future.

(Eindhoven, Oscar Vis)

Canada is one of the largest users of the Lockheed Hercules in the world. This particular example is a CC-130J Hercules.

(Eindhoven, Frank Noort)

CFB Trenton, Ont. (CYTR)

RWY 06-24     POS 44°07'08"N 077°31'41"W     ELEV 283 ft

Wing Squadron Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge
8 Wing

424 Transport and Rescue Squadron CC-130J (C-130J-30)
CH-146 (Bell 412CF)
CC-295 (C295MPA-W) (on order)
City of Hamilton

426 Transport Training Squadron CC-130J (C-130J-30)

429 Transport Squadron CC-177 (C-17A) Bison

436 Transport Squadron CC-130J (C-130J-30)

437 Transport Squadron CC-150 (A310-304/MRTT)
CC-330 (A330-243)

Aerospace & Telecommunications Engineering Support Squadron Maintenance and storage of various types
RCAF Aerospace Warfare Centre

434 Operational Test and Evaluation Squadron Parent unit of various test flights In Excelsis Vincimus

427 Special Operations Aviation Squadron CE-145C (Beech 350ER) Lion
The CC-130Js of 424sq will be replaced by the CC-295 Kingfisher.
Technically, CANSOFCOM is no part of the RCAF.

In November 2020, the Department of National Defence (DND) awarded L3Harris Technologies a contract to modify three King Air 350ERs into intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance aircraft for the country’s special operations forces. These were delivered In 2024. .

(Trenton, Galen Burrows)

Canada's strategic work horse is the CC-177 Globemaster, five of which serve with 429sqn at Trenton and can be encountered all over the planet.

(Köln-Bonn, Nico van der Steen)

CFB Valcartier, Que. (CYOY)

RWY 04-22     POS 46°54'"N 071°30'"W     ELEV 550 ft

Wing Squadron Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge
1 Wing

430 Tactical Helicopter Squadron CH-146 (Bell 412CF) City of Sudbury
CFB Winnipeg, Man. (CYWG)

RWY 18-36 13-31     POS 49°54'39"N 097°14'36"W     ELEV 783 ft

Wing Squadron Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge
17 Wing

402 Transport and Training Squadron CT-142 (DHC-8-102) City of Winnipeg
19 Wing

435 Transport and Rescue Squadron CC-130H (C-130H)
CC-295 (C295MPA-W) (on order)
The CC-130H will be replaced by the CC-295 for SAR duties.
Edmonton/Namao, Alt. (CYED)

RWY 03-21H     POS 53°40'09"N 113°28'32"W     ELEV 2257 ft

Wing Squadron Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge
1 Wing

408 Tactical Helicopter Squadron CH-146 (Bell 412CF) Goose
Gander IAP, Nfl. (CYQX)

RWY 03/21, 13/31     POS 48°56'24"N 054°34'07"W     ELEV 496 ft

Wing Squadron Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge
9 Wing

103 Search and Rescue Squadron CH-149 (EH101-511) Albert
Montreal/St.Hubert, Que. (CYHU)

RWY 06-24 18-36     POS 45°31'03"N 073°25'01"W     ELEV 90 ft

Wing Squadron Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge
1 Wing

438 Tactical Helicopter Squadron CH-146 (Bell 412CF) City of Montreal
Ottawa/MacDonald Cartier IAP, Ont. (CYOW)

RWY 07-25 14-32     POS 45°19'21"N 075°40'09"W     ELEV 374 ft

Wing Squadron Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge
8 Wing

412 Transport Squadron CC-144C (CL-604)
CC-144D (CL-650)
RCAF Aerospace Warfare Centre

414 Electronic Warfare Support Squadron CATS by Top Aces
A-4N (future)
Alpha Jet
Learjet 35A
Portage la Prairie/Southport Aerospace Centre, Man. (CYPG)

RWY 13-31     POS 49°54'11"N 098°16'25"W     ELEV 885 ft

Wing Squadron Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge

3 Canadian Forces Flying Training School CH-139 (Bell 206B-3)
CH-146 (Bell 412CF)
Grob G120A (leased)
Beech C90B (leased)
3CFFTS is part of the NATO Flying Training in Canada (NFTC) programma ran by KF Aerospace.
Victoria IAP, B.C. (CYYJ)

RWY 02-20 09-27 13-31     POS 48°38'49"N 123°25'33"W     ELEV 63 ft

Wing Squadron Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge
12 Wing

443 Maritime Helicopter Squadron CH-148 (H-92) Hornet

The Sikorsky CH-148 Cyclone is a twin-engine, multi-role shipborne helicopter. A military variant of the Sikorsky S-92, the CH-148 is designed for shipboard operations and replaced the CH-124 Sea King, which was in Canadian Armed Forces operation from 1963 to 2018.

(De Kooy, Frank Noort)

Seeing an operational military Twin Ottter is quite special. They are based at Yellowknife which is in the North of Canada.

(Trenton, Rob Sowald)

Yellowknife, NWT (CYZF)

RWY 15-33     POS 62°27'46"N 114°26'25"W     ELEV 675 ft

Wing Squadron Aircraft Type(s) Name Badge
17 Wing

440 Transport Squadron CC-138 (DHC-6-300) Vampire

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